[FO2] Little black box, that apperars over my skilldex butto

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Little black box, that apperars over my skilldex button, aft

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-02 AT 05:49PM (GMT)[p][font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jul-05-02 AT 05:48 PM (GMT)

Is this a bug or omen of things to come??? It happened to me while I was in the Serria Army Depot. I'm about to enter San Fran for the first time, will this efect this area??? It goes away if I exit the game take out the disk, and put it back in and start it up as normal???

Thanx for any help, I remember reading somewhere about this but I forgot what it said.

(I got both my Fallout 1-2 in a dual jewel, value pack and it says there up to date. the version for my FO2 is 1.2d, is this the up to date version or what.)

More to come-Ken
RE: Little black box, that apperars over my skilldex button,

Dear Ken-

Bad things are coming. The black box is a message that says that you got too much stuff in your inventory. It might mean your system will crash, but it definitely means that you can't do that much skillwise.

My advice for this is:
(1) Sell everything you don't need. YOu are probably at the point where you have more guns than you will ever possibly need and your NPCs are about as well equipped as they can be. If you need to convert, try to buy ammo (you never can have too much).

(2) Set up caches. I have two caches that I use. The first is the raider base you wiped out SOuth of Vault City. Store some stuff there. Alternative Cache is the BOS base at New San Francisco. The Brotherhood of Steel won't be using it for much longer.

In this situation you can save and come back to the game later. But the little black box will probably get you sooner or later.
I keep a Bozar, the better pulse rifle, a pulse pistol for weapons and then what ever extra gear you need. Dont' carry a lot.

Hope that helps.
RE: Little black box, that apperars over my skilldex button,

>Alternative Cache is the BOS
>base at New San Francisco.
> The Brotherhood of Steel
>won't be using it for
>much longer.

That's not really a fix if the BoS base is on the same map as SF downtown, which I suspect. There might be some suitable container outside the Military Base though.

RE: Little black box, that apperars over my skilldex button,

Yeah, there's plenty of containers in the tents...

One thing about caches though, I like to keep'm in containers which don't have an open/close animation - to save time. Too bad that apart from bookcases, they're usually the smallest containers...
RE: Little black box, that apperars over my skilldex button,

Dear Per-

Just out of curiousity, why won't the BOS lockers work as temporary arms caches? Do they work, like the car, in that all the things in the car's inventory relates back to the main character? Also does this still apply if you go off the downtown New San Francisco board, say to fight hubologists or visit the Shi?

RE: Little black box, that apperars over my skilldex button,

>Just out of curiousity, why won't
>the BOS lockers work as
>temporary arms caches? Do they
>work, like the car, in
>that all the things in
>the car's inventory relates back
>to the main character?

I'm not really sure how it all works, but this is how I think it works. At any given moment the game has to keep track of:

* All items in your inventory and your current NCPs' inventory.
* All items on the current map (including shopkeeper inventories).
* All items in the trunk no matter where the car is (I've been told it sort of functions like an NPC though I don't know the details).

The reason I'm thinking that it is the sum of all this and not just your own inventory+trunk that causes the bug is because it always seems to trigger when you get to SF with its two big shops. If this is correct you'll want to store your items away from maps that have lots of items anyway. If you store the stuff in the BoS lockers and the contents of those lockers are included in the list above because they're on the current map as far as the game engine is concerned, then boom.
