RE: Lost caravans
I'll make sure Per hears about it, right Per?
Anyway, here's a clip of some of my suggestion to Per's guide.
>>>>>"Caravan troubles: leaders disappearing, caravans aborting, character teleported to a location on the world map corresponding to some other trade route than the one travelled. Many have reported generally buggy behaviour from caravans and caravan leaders on town maps.">>>>>
I have managed to get around that inside the game after way too many reloads of cattle runs with good looting just can't get finished. You can try to get the caravan leader killed by the opposition or your team mates. If the leader dies, the caravan follows you instead, but you'll get pay less or none, although most of the time the loot was more impressive. If the guy doesn't tell you to "head out" after the battle or do it during the battle, that means something has triggered the bug.
*part 2*
Basically, if the leader gets killed and you manage to bring back the caravan to its dest., you'll talk to a new guy who says, "X was a good, hard working man, it's too bad we lost him. Here is your money.(1/2 or none) I know it's not what we promised but I can't justify paying you the sum after the huge losses the caravan run has suffered, so I hope you can understand.". You can choose different comments to give, like "I'm sorry, he was a really nice guy, one of the kind.", or "FUCk this, this is BS, if you can't pay me what you promised, I'll never work for you again!!". But, I better warn you that the game may hiccup if the original caravan leader who was suppose to be there isn't. You may get some weird dialogue, or worse, the whole caravan run can be shut down.
Starseeker, signing off.
"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."