FO2 mapper question


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
FO2 mapper ques.:

so sometimes, very often actually, when i give someone a script to make them talk, why wont they talk when i try to talk with them???
I have a question, is there a smaller version that could fit on a floppy disk of fallout 2 map editor, if not, does anybody know how to get one that was saved on a CD-R to work?
beatle_fan said:
I have a question, is there a smaller version that could fit on a floppy disk of fallout 2 map editor, if not, does anybody know how to get one that was saved on a CD-R to work?

What do you mean by "saved on a CD-R"? Does it have the installer, or were the files ripped from an install?
All you really need for the mapper to work is mapper2.exe (and the original fallout files). So download it, extract/install it; then copy the file onto a disk.

It should generate the mapper2.cfg by itself though if not I don't think it's a big problem to fit it on there.

You'll still need to ZIP it though - down to ~1meg.