[FO2] Mod for lower carry weight?


First time out of the vault
Outside of the Small Frame trait, is there any way to lower your maximum carry weight? I looked at FALCHE but it says it's not compatible with the RP.

I want a more "realistic" feel for carry weight, and prefer not to take Small Frame since there are other traits I want.

You could try Vad's F2se editor. You can change a lot of stats with it. I think it's in the download section.
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You could also try adding those lines in your ddraw.ini - sfall's config file. It's limit based on the size of items defined in their proto files:

;These options place a limit on the size of the objects a critter can carry, as well as weight
;Set the mode to 0 to disable, 1 to apply to pc only, 2 to apply to the pc and party members, or 4 to apply to all critters
;Add 8 to use the critters extra unused stat instead of for CritterInvSizeLimit for critters other than dude_obj
;i.e. STAT_unused - 10

You need sfall 2.16a or higher for this, which is included in latest RP.