FO2: Multiple coexisting installs


First time out of the vault
Let me first say that I am very grateful for the time and effort put into supporting the unofficial patches for Fallout 2. Killap, Seraph, Celestial et al... you're all amazing.

What I need is advice from members who are familiar with the technical workings of the software. My plan is to manually install FO2 twice in different folders so I can try out Killap's and Seraph's patches/mods simultaneously. Will this crazy idea work, or is this a colossal mistake along the lines of crossing the streams?*

I'm running WinXP SP2, btw.

Also, please don't try to "convince" me to only use either Killap or Seraph's mods. The whole purpose of this experiment is to compare the two. From reading some of the posts in the sticky unofficial patch thread, it seems some feel that Seraph's mods go too far in altering the game's mechanics. I personally agree with nearly all of Seraph's changes, and if he has implemented them smoothly, all the better! If not, I'd like to know if Killap's "vanilla" patch works as well as everyone claims.


* Ghostbusters reference
You should be able to copy ans paste the fallout folder, and still be able to run the game from the copy, I experiment so often there is 6 copys of fallout on my system at the mo.
All you need to run the game is:

Patch000.dat(replace this one with any .dat file that came with the mod.)

And if you have the paths right in the CFG file then you can have as many copies of the game you need.

If HD space is an issue then do this:

1:Place a folder on your desktop or C:/ drive called "Fallout"
Place "Master.dat" and "Critter.dat" in this folder

2:Make 2 or more folders in this folder and call them "Killap" or whatever mods you are testing.

3: Place a copy of "Fallout2.exe" and "Fallout2.cfg" in each mod testing folder.

4: Place the DAT file that came with the mod and place it in the right folder

5: Configure your CFG files to point to the right files.

and that should do it in under 1 GB. If you want music then just place the "Data" folder in with the master and critter files.