RE: My guy won't run anymore
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-02 AT 10:29AM (GMT)[p]>So Rashambo...
>Do you feel better now that
>you have demonstrated
>how wise you are about posting
>on this forum. I am
>so glad that you are so
>smart and you took the
>time to point out just how ignorant
>I am. I did not realize that my prior post to the
>other forum was so disruptive
>to others.
You think? What might be the first clue? That there's warnings in [font color=red]red, an explicit warning in the forum description, and the forum names might have been good enough of a clue?
What, you think nobody would care that someone didn't bother to rub their two last remaining neurons together to figure out or bother to find the right forum?
> (snip bullshit whining)
Yes, don't let that get in your way of just posting your brain flatulations wherever you want. If you had cared about anything, then you might have bothered. Or at least said a "whoops" after finding the right forum and admitted mistake. However, there's a problem. You didn't, and left it for someone else to find and deal with.
But no, we're here to babysit you and have to take care of your trash happily as you scrub your ass through "that internetty thingie".
*sigh* Some peoples' kids. Damn netnewbies.
>Rather than get upset with you...just
>knowing you have to live
>every day being you is more
>than satisfaction for me.
Yes, it must take pride knowing that you can just do as you wish and people will clean up after your careless trash.
>What a jerk....
This coming from the rude cross-posting netnewbie. Comical.
If you don't like this, then you can go cry about it [|here], or alternatively you could role-play yourself a box of tissues over [|here].