>play the game any way you
>want it, and after you
>pass it, ride around the
>map killing every single thing
>in every single town.
Yeah, but that's not really roleplaying. That's just whacking people. I tend to treat my Fallout characters just like I do characters in a Pen N Paper Roleplaying game. I come up with a motivation for a character, and decide how they would react. To really play evil, you need to do it from the beginning. Decide why your character is like that, and decide how your character would react. Ok, I'm probably putting too much into a video game, but hey, it makes it more enjoyable to me.
For instance: One of my characters, Katerina, was a totally evil bi#@h. She sold Sulik into slavery, because he was an idiot (she had a 9 INT), and scared Torr, because he was also an idiot. She wiped out the entire Wright clan because on person spit on her boot, but also wiped out the Mordinos because of their attitudes towards women. She also tended to attack people in the groin, just for amusement.