RE: Perk points
>This is from a previous post
>you didn't reply, I didn't
>feel like retyping it.
I didn't forget it; I was going to check something, but didn't get around to it and have been unable to for a few days now. This will be quite short and to the point as well, don't have much time.
>Bug in Modoc - There is
>a consistant bug associated with
>having sex with Miria. I
>have heard many people reported
I'll append it to the other wedding bug note.
>Can you actually catch Davin "petting"
>the cows? If so, what
Really doubt that.
>Another ancient articfact from FO1.(Does Master
>ring a bell?) They tried
>to cut some costs by
>using FO1 BGs, and therefore
>contribute to some strange bit
>maps stuff that isn't supposed
>to be there is.
That's what I figured, but my guess would be they didn't put it in entirely by accident (which is not to say, of course, that it actually does anything).
>Comment: There was constant rumors on
>ways to seduce the official
>"greeting" officer.
I'd guess that's just what they were.
>Actually, you can continue to get
>the sixth toe if you
>want. I think my record
>was 5.
Neat, I'll have to try that. How many of them would you need to lower Horrigan's max HP to 0?
>If you get
>banned from VC, does that
>mean they auto. turn hostile
>if you try to enter?
>Meaning if you take the
>test to become the citizen,
>got thrown out, but you
>fixed the stupid plant, so
>can Maclure re-instate you?
You can enter the Courtyard, but I fear the guards by the metal gate will never let you in. You could use the keyboard-on-town-map trick, but it could also trap you in side the city, and I suspect the guards in the inner city may open fire on sight.
One funny thing: I saved the game in combat mode just by the entrance to VC. When I loaded, the guards had turned hostile due to the saving-in-combat-mode bug. I ran and they all came after me. When I left to the world map and reentered, though, they were all back in their places and acting like nothing happened.
>Unfinished Bizwax update:
>There was supposed to be a
>option to blackmail both Westin
>and Lynette by using his
>sympathies with VC and the
>holodisks they gave you. In
>a sense, trible cross everybody.
Is this inside information, or someone's theory?
>Comment: First time I saw this,
>I thought "Turbo Plasma Rifle,
>here I come.". Well, it
>was a logical assumption..., hee.
Yeah, and a very linear weapon progression it would have been.
>You can actually rob her clean
>right off her table. I
>think it's a bug.
I seem to remember trying this and failing, but I'll try again.
>>>>"The scorpion will attack you, but just run away once and end combat and you won't have to kill it.">>>
>Er..., what's the point of not
>killing it? It could be
>a future threat of human
I don't know really... Steve Metzler wrote in his walkthrough that he never did. There is one difference: if you don't kill the scorpion you can still talk to the professor, and take the tests again if you want to for some reason.
>I thought it would be obvious
>that the Sharpshooter perk is
>used for targeted shots, since
>you personally perfered the fast
>shot trait, you may not
>have noticed.
Hm. The perk description gives no hint about that, anyway.
>Living Anatomy is applied to each
>Shot. That means it
>adds 5pts to every shot
>you make instead of each
>bullets you put into the
>intended target.
It's strange, everyone seems to have assumed these perks all work the same way. Well, at least I and a few more.
>I have also
>suspect(without confirmation)that LA only apply
>to humans, and that would
>be "logical", would it not?
I'll have to run a few more diagnostic tests on those deathclaws, but the perk description seems to be quite explicit that it applies for all living creatures.