[FO2] Perk points


Vault Consort
Staff member
Perk points

I fiddled around with some perks and came up with the following startling results:

The Gain Perception perk and Sharpshooter seem to behave mostly the same, regardless of the fact that S should add +2 to PE with regard to sniping, whereas GP obviously adds only +1. Has anyone else experienced this?

Also while playing around with Living Anatomy, Bonus Ranged Damage and a Vindicator, I found that each level of BRD did in fact add an expected statistical amount of damage, while LA didn't seem to do anything at all! I used a deathclaw for a target dummy, and I should think that qualifies as a living being. Comments? Could the explanation be that LA doesn't add damage to each bullet like BRD does? That would definitely make it a little less unbalanced.

Also I thought we could perhaps use this as a continuation of the "New guide" thread so we don't have to load all those 35 old comments each time. :)

RE: Perk points

This is from a previous post you didn't reply, I didn't feel like retyping it.

Bug in Modoc - There is a consistant bug associated with having sex with Miria. I have heard many people reported it. The bug has no known trigger that I know of, but here is the problem: When you choose the right dialogue options(either sex will do), you can sleep with Miria, right? Right. And the game screen goes black like it always does bec. North American are too touchy feelie to show sex secenes in a game, right? Right. But, the screen never comes back. I can still hear the music/bg sound, but, nothing happens, and it doesn't crash the game in the usual way which I am familiar with, but I still have to re-start my computer. I have heard people on the board suggested to wait it out, and it will come back sooner or later, but nothing Ever happens. I waited 2hrs, real time once just to see what may happen, but zip. I don't have this problem with Davin, so what the Hel.......? You may want to report this bug in the walkthrough.
Can you actually catch Davin "petting" the cows? If so, what happens?

>>>"Search the wall at the eastern end of the toilet and you find a goo-covered computer terminal. It doesn't seem to do much even with Science 145%, but why is it there?">>>

Another ancient articfact from FO1.(Does Master ring a bell?) They tried to cut some costs by using FO1 BGs, and therefore contribute to some strange bit maps stuff that isn't supposed to be there is.

>>>"The two people in the Greeting Office are completely useless">>

Comment: There was constant rumors on ways to seduce the official "greeting" officer. If you just "look" at her, you should pro. get, "You see someone who pro. hasn't relaxed for a long time.., etc..", but I have never manage to do anything with her. I even tried doping her full of jet, feed her a 12-pack, but nothing, zip. And if you tried to slide in using the dialogue options, she'll never talk to you again. Unfinished business?

>>>"If you got the extra toes from the Toxic Caves goo, you can have it removed here for $500 ($300 with a discount), and in your inventory you get a Mutated Toe, which has a use at the end of the game. More to follow....">>>

Actually, you can continue to get the sixth toe if you want. I think my record was 5. I'll get one chopped, and stepped on more, and get another one chopped, and so on.., it got a little freaky in the end though.

>>>"If at any time you really piss her off, she's apt to ban you from Vault City permanently.">>>

Here's a thought on something I pro. tried but forgot the consquences(I am a great learner ) - If you get banned from VC, does that mean they auto. turn hostile if you try to enter? Meaning if you take the test to become the citizen, got thrown out, but you fixed the stupid plant, so can Maclure re-instate you?

I have never managed to legally assainate Lynette. Meaning - she dies from too much of a good thing(Superstim), but it feels like nothing in VC really changed.

Unfinished Bizwax update:
There was supposed to be a option to blackmail both Westin and Lynette by using his sympathies with VC and the holodisks they gave you. In a sense, trible cross everybody. (I am going to hit you with my car, and I am going to drive over you once, and I am going to back up and do it again.) If my choice was between this and the hardened powered armor, I'll take this any day.

>>>"Get 3-step plasma transformer for Skeeter.">>>

Comment: First time I saw this, I thought "Turbo Plasma Rifle, here I come.". Well, it was a logical assumption..., hee.

>>>"Liz runs the general store. She has some minor stuff in her basement (four containers with weapons, nothing special), but she won't let you go down there yet. With a good Sneak skill you can do it anyway.">>>

You can actually rob her clean right off her table. I think it's a bug.

>>>"The scorpion will attack you, but just run away once and end combat and you won't have to kill it.">>>

Er..., what's the point of not killing it? It could be a future threat of human civilization.

>>>"The Gain Perception perk and Sharpshooter seem to behave mostly the same, regardless of the fact that S should add +2 to PE with regard to sniping, whereas GP obviously adds only +1. Has anyone else experienced this?">>>

I thought it would be obvious that the Sharpshooter perk is used for targeted shots, since you personally perfered the fast shot trait, you may not have noticed.

>>>"Also while playing around with Living Anatomy, Bonus Ranged Damage and a Vindicator, I found that each level of BRD did in fact add an expected statistical amount of damage, while LA didn't seem to do anything at all! I used a deathclaw for a target dummy, and I should think that qualifies as a living being. Comments? Could the explanation be that LA doesn't add damage to each bullet like BRD does? That would definitely make it a little less unbalanced.">>>

Living Anatomy is applied to each Shot. That means it adds 5pts to every shot you make instead of each bullets you put into the intended target. I personally perfer BRD if I am playing the spraying and forget kinda guy. If I play a sniper char., I usually take LA first before BRD. I have also suspect(without confirmation)that LA only apply to humans, and that would be "logical", would it not? Your Doctor skill increases your knowledge of human anatomy, so it doesn't mean you can understand the anatomy of the Deathclaw, floaters, or those annoying aliens. Those kind of knowledge may require comparative anthropology + biology, plus in depth study of physiology. You may understand more about deathclaws if you have the knowledge of the doctor that lives in V13 that explain to you the evolution of deathclaws.

Hmm..., my brain has shutted down at this point, so wait 'till next episode then. If you are still interested in "hearing" everything, that is. :D

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Perk points

>This is from a previous post
>you didn't reply, I didn't
>feel like retyping it.

I didn't forget it; I was going to check something, but didn't get around to it and have been unable to for a few days now. This will be quite short and to the point as well, don't have much time.

>Bug in Modoc - There is
>a consistant bug associated with
>having sex with Miria. I
>have heard many people reported

I'll append it to the other wedding bug note.

>Can you actually catch Davin "petting"
>the cows? If so, what

Really doubt that.

>Another ancient articfact from FO1.(Does Master
>ring a bell?) They tried
>to cut some costs by
>using FO1 BGs, and therefore
>contribute to some strange bit
>maps stuff that isn't supposed
>to be there is.

That's what I figured, but my guess would be they didn't put it in entirely by accident (which is not to say, of course, that it actually does anything).

>Comment: There was constant rumors on
>ways to seduce the official
>"greeting" officer.

I'd guess that's just what they were.

>Actually, you can continue to get
>the sixth toe if you
>want. I think my record
>was 5.

Neat, I'll have to try that. How many of them would you need to lower Horrigan's max HP to 0? :P

>If you get
>banned from VC, does that
>mean they auto. turn hostile
>if you try to enter?
>Meaning if you take the
>test to become the citizen,
>got thrown out, but you
>fixed the stupid plant, so
>can Maclure re-instate you?

You can enter the Courtyard, but I fear the guards by the metal gate will never let you in. You could use the keyboard-on-town-map trick, but it could also trap you in side the city, and I suspect the guards in the inner city may open fire on sight.

One funny thing: I saved the game in combat mode just by the entrance to VC. When I loaded, the guards had turned hostile due to the saving-in-combat-mode bug. I ran and they all came after me. When I left to the world map and reentered, though, they were all back in their places and acting like nothing happened.

>Unfinished Bizwax update:
>There was supposed to be a
>option to blackmail both Westin
>and Lynette by using his
>sympathies with VC and the
>holodisks they gave you. In
>a sense, trible cross everybody.

Is this inside information, or someone's theory?

>Comment: First time I saw this,
>I thought "Turbo Plasma Rifle,
>here I come.". Well, it
>was a logical assumption..., hee.

Yeah, and a very linear weapon progression it would have been. :)

>You can actually rob her clean
>right off her table. I
>think it's a bug.

I seem to remember trying this and failing, but I'll try again.

>>>>"The scorpion will attack you, but just run away once and end combat and you won't have to kill it.">>>
>Er..., what's the point of not
>killing it? It could be
>a future threat of human

I don't know really... Steve Metzler wrote in his walkthrough that he never did. There is one difference: if you don't kill the scorpion you can still talk to the professor, and take the tests again if you want to for some reason.

>I thought it would be obvious
>that the Sharpshooter perk is
>used for targeted shots, since
>you personally perfered the fast
>shot trait, you may not
>have noticed.

Hm. The perk description gives no hint about that, anyway.

>Living Anatomy is applied to each
>Shot. That means it
>adds 5pts to every shot
>you make instead of each
>bullets you put into the
>intended target.

It's strange, everyone seems to have assumed these perks all work the same way. Well, at least I and a few more. :P

>I have also
>suspect(without confirmation)that LA only apply
>to humans, and that would
>be "logical", would it not?

I'll have to run a few more diagnostic tests on those deathclaws, but the perk description seems to be quite explicit that it applies for all living creatures.

RE: Perk points

Living Anatomy only adds 5hp of damage for the whole attack not each bullet. So it is kind of weak for an offensive perk but good for the medical benefits.
RE: Perk points

>>>>>"Is this inside information, or someone's theory?">>>>>

Well, some of the guys from the design team said that was one of the things they thought about doing, but it's just never got finished like all the other stuff, including that big speefy base that I would love to see.

>I'll have to run a few more diagnostic tests on those >deathclaws, but the perk description seems to be quite >explicit that it applies for all living creatures.

So how are the tests coming along? :)

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Perk points

Hey, Per, don't mean to be pushy, but....., how are the tests going? I am interested in the results.

Is LA really what you thought it would be? Or are you going to downgrade the stock?

Puzzling Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Perk points

>Hey, Per, don't mean to be
>pushy, but....., how are the
>tests going? I am
>interested in the results.

Tests reveal that Bonus Ranged Dam and Bonus Hth Dam add +2 to max damage (per bullet in the case of BRD), which statistically amounts to +1 actual damage point. LA adds +5 to the whole attack. LA did work on Dogmeat, so for now I'm going with the theory that it works on all animals.

>Is LA really what you thought
>it would be? Or
>are you going to downgrade
>the stock?

Hm, still thinking about that. What do you think? It's not a top perk anymore, but still pretty solid.

Here are some other things:

* Does anyone know what DR and DT (if any) are used for electrical damage?

* Does anyone know if you can die from a "chem overdose" (there's such a line among the general messages in the game files)?

* I found some dialogue for Chad where you accuse him of hearing from Marcus himself that he's a crook. May be completely unimplemented.

* There is no extra dialogue for the greeting officers in VC.

* Did anyone ever witness a "joke death", i.e. one where Ron Perlman says "You're dead, stupid" or something insulting instead of the usual "The village is doomed" stuff? According to the game files there should be about 1% chance of that happening if you are level 10 or above.

Um, that will be it for now.

RE: Perk points

>Hm, still thinking about that. What do you think? It's not a >top perk anymore, but still pretty solid.

It's still pretty useful in my list. Like I have mentioned above, if I want to play more of a sniper char., I'll take LA, but if I am playing a more a spray and forget guy, I'll take BRD first. It's just a simple math thing. :)

* Does anyone know what DR and DT (if any) are used for electrical damage?

It should come under General DR & DT. Why don't you go kick some of the press gang's butt and find out? :D

* Does anyone know if you can die from a "chem overdose" (there's such a line among the general messages in the game files)?

Uh, Super Stim? :) But, seriously though, I have not had the need to ingest large amounts of hardcore drugs in the game, like psycho, buffouts, mentats, and etc.., so I haven't had the pleasure to do so. :)

* I found some dialogue for Chad where you accuse him of hearing from Marcus himself that he's a crook. May be completely unimplemented.

Well, I suppose that's where some people claim may have came from, but like I asked you before in the New guide's post, I don't know how to make it happen.

* There is no extra dialogue for the greeting officers in VC.

Yeah, that's kinda weird, don't you think? Were they trying to pull a fast one on us? :D Maybe they intended for us to hit on her, and get arrested, then therefore be able to go into the inner city. ??? :)

I personally appluad your hard work and devotion on this project, Per, I guess you do have to hear everything. ;-)

Cheering Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Perk points

Hey, Per, I meant this one.


Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Perk points

>Hey, Per, I meant this one.

Ah... well, I didn't have much to say... I could perhaps add that I tried the Sharpshooter/Gain Perc thing with aimed shots (did I mention that already?) and lo and behold... Gain Perc has even *more* of an advantage over Sharpshooter! So I'm thinking Sharpshooter may be bugged or something.

There'll be a biggish post later when I've sorted out all the stuff I found going through the text files. I'd have found secret stuff like the angry cow and medical enhancer even if Chris Avellone hadn't revealed them. :)

RE: Perk points

The reason I am bring up this post is that so people no longer have to go through the 30-40 posts of the original thread.

If you have questions or answers, or things to include in the prefect guide, please put them here for better viewing. This should make it easier for people to follow some of the arguments or discussions we had on the guide. Read it there, and post it here.

BTW Per, you got me an updated version yet?

The council is pushing me for some results of your Valor, it's no easy to be part of the brotherhood you know. :D:P

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Perk points

Actually, you can continue to get
the sixth toe if you
want. I think my record
was 5.

Neat, I'll have to try that.
How many of them would
you need to lower Horrigan's
max HP to 0? :P

Say what? You can actually USE the 6th toe??? I dropped it cos it looked gross, and im squeamish. Same with Dixons eyeball...though i did manage to hold onto my lunch long enough to get the yellow module before ditching it :-)
Assuming i ever develop another icky toe..what does it do exactly?
RE: Perk points

I am not sure but I don't think you'd die from a chem-addiction.. But let's try it out
RE: Perk points

I've been told by starseeker to post new things here instead of posting them into the new guide thread.


If you want to keep the serium that should turn mutants into humans do like this....

I did it when I encountered some remnants of the masters army.

OK the mutant you use the serum on has to be the last enemy on the encounter. He should also have been hit for lots of HPs. Now I had ten aps when I did this.

1. I used the serum on him for 2 aps.

2. I shot him with the turbo plasma rifle (because I wanted to be sure that he died) for 4 aps (I had the bonus rate of fire perk).

3 I looted his body for three aps and picked up the serum and his plasma rifle.

4. Now I had one ap left which I used for stoping combat.

With me so long? Now comes the hard part. You have to very quick or else the serum just disapears.

5. After stoping combat press ''i'' imidently so you can have a look at your inventory.

6. Now put the serum in one of your ''handslots'' (so you can see if it should disapear, inn which case you should reload).

7. Leave the inventory menu and press imidently ''a'' so you enter combat mode again.

8. Walk into the exit grind and enter a city. After that the serum wont disapear!

9. If you have a long way to the exit screen you have to do this. I used NINE of my ten aps for walking. If I used all combat stoped and the serum disapears. Well ok, after having walked for nine aps stop combat mode and press imidently ''a'' so you can come in combat mode again. Repeat until you have reached your car or exit grind.

P.S.: If you try to press ''a'' after using all of your aps the serum disapears.
RE: Perk points

Or, if you have the quest bug active, you can just go back to the cybernetic doctor in NCR and get another dose, or as many as you want. :D:P

Hey Lara, how's going? You can use the sixth toe on Frankie here and get him poisoned and he will lose about 5-6 hpts, but that's about it. ;-) (I mean the last boss)

Hey Per, are you ever going to answer your own thread? :P

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Perk points

Yeah but this serum is special, cause it will dispear if you drop it on the ground even after you have done the trick :p
RE: Perk points

Another thing....

When reading through the threads I found out the Miria actually can give you the quest to kill Jack if you're playing as a stupid chara.

Well cause I had 10 IN I used one mentats and two psychos to lower my IN to 2.

She gave me the job after I talked to her for the first time, and as it has been said before she put a rope over the NCR wall.

In town I choosed (as usual) the dialog path to clam down Jack for 6000exp.

When he went into his cell I attacked (and Dogmeat killed him).

For that I gained 2000 exp. for taking care of Jack and no one cared!

But Miria refused to give me HK. Instead she talked about how I finished of Francis. Maybe I should turn down my IN again and I would be able to get the SMG but wth.

You might already knew the 2000exp. thing but dosen't hurt to tell.
RE: Perk points

I've found out another thing (maybe not) so you can get the maximum exp. out of the transmission quest.

1) Follow the Wright kids there, but before leaving there buy your gun back.

2) Go there with the Salvatores

3) Go now again there with the Wright kids and kill salavatores, enclave guards and the mr. Handÿ there.

P.S.: If you bought back your pistol for the second time, you can explain to one of the kids that haven't had a pistol that the metal instict was a helicopter.
RE: Perk points

>Hey Per, are you ever going
>to answer your own thread?
> :P

Well, OK then.


Re: mutant serum, I thought you always got to keep that if you used it in combat mode and killed the mutant.

Re: desert transaction, I doubt you can go with the kids twice. The helicopter line doesn't have anything to do with pistols, it's just the line you get instead of following them.

Re: Mira and Jack, yep, I have that now. And you have to be stupid to collect the reward if you were stupid when you got the quest. So first get the 9000 xp, then go get the quest and kill him before the stupidity wears off. I did a Super Stimpak kill myself, but maybe it's not necessary, I'll check that.

In a few days I'm going to relocate myself for the summer, and before that I'm going to post an update of the guide. There are still some small things to work out, but no one could possibly notice. :P There's gotta be a few things left for a future update anyhow.
