Hello, first post here . During the last decade I've played FO2 couple of times through and also quit couple of times late and mid game, I've also played FO1 once (through). So I've got some vague idea about the game.
Anyway.. I just got the urge to play FO2 again and decided that this time I'll try some guide since I figured I have already discovered 80-90% of the game. Unfortunately I just don't have the time to replay it 100 times to reach 100% on my own (which I think is impossible anyway, without the guide). But I still want to know what else is out there plus I'm planning on going ironman next time around, so want to know every tidbit to avoid nasty surprises... hence the guide. So I found Per's guide, and that's some really massive work there, have read about 1/3 of it for now.
Btw Per, kinda sadistic background you've got there in the guide. It almost caused me blindness. Saving the page and removing background image and bgcolor="Silver" helped, so no harm done. That doesn't reduce the greatness of the guide of course, amazing work!
Anyway, as ultimate as it is, it still doesn't answer couple of questions I had. I have done some searching in this forum too and read results all day but still haven't got the answers, so I'd be glad if you didn't ban me yet
So, back to the topic. About burstmode:
1) how is the burst "cone" determined? Is it always the same for any weapon?
2) I know that damage and hit chance is determined for each bullet separately (and per's guide confirmed that), but what about the specifics?
Let's say the villain is 5 hexes away or stands just next to me. FO2 shows me "95%" both cases, but it's obvious that each bullet doesn't always have 95% chance to hit in both cases.
So, what does it exactly show and how is the hit chances of each bullet exactly calculated? Does it show the hit chance of first bullet and the next bullets have slightly smaller chance to hit? E.g. 1st 95%, 2nd 90%, 3rd 85% etc.
If thats the case, does the consecutive bullet's hit chance depend on the previous bullet's actual, rounded down hit chance (i.e. _after_ it's rounded down to 95%) or before rounding it down? Blah, that sentence doesn't sound too easy to understand, so, an example. For simplicity's sake let's assume each consecutive bullet gets -5 to hit:
case 1:
130% 125% 120% 115%
rounded down to:
95% 95% 95% 95%
case 2:
first rounded down to 95% and consecutive bullet depends on that number and so on:
95% 90% 85% 80%
The last paragraph in other words:
3) is there any difference having weapon skill at 150% vs at 250% if FO2 shows me burst hit chance 95% in both cases in some particular situation?
4) Burst critical is determined for the whole burst, not each bullet separately, right?
5) Corpses catch burst bullets, derived from corpses lowering hit chance I guess. So do live creatures standing in the way (especially Vic and Sulik if Marcus decides to join the action :p)... what else? Terrain changes too? E.g. I stand on stone plates and the villain on sand? That last one sounds so moronic that I almost deleted it , but.. well.. there's weirder stuff in games.
Ok, enough of the bursts...
6) Now, one of my very favorite weapons in the game is .44 magnum revolver and I just love to shoot people in their eyes with it. And other less intelligent creatures too.. and then there's Lynette.
I sometimes take Better Criticals perk.
Per says: "Of the two types of .44 ammo, FMJ is marginally better unless you count on getting lots of no-armour criticals, in which case the JHP delivers more raw damage."
I take it I should go with JHP 100% of the time, right? Are there any exceptions? 99% of the shots I take with that gun are aimed in eyes.
7) Lastly, question about PE influencing hit chances for different ranges. I always thought that there is no way I can compensate for having extremely low PE if I want to do long range sniping. I've never played low PE yet for that very reason.
I found some formulas of FO1 here. Do they apply for FO2 in terms of PE influencing hit chance? From that formula I conclude that I can get the exact same hit chances in any situation with much lower PE if I compensate by adding ((PE difference)*8) skill points to the weapon skill. Right?
Thank you for your time!
PS. Sorry for my bad English, ain't my native language.
PS2. I just figured out that I could test the PE thing myself with a savegame editor if it allows to change stats (I have never used one before).
Hmm, meanwhile I might have figured out something on my own (zomg!) about the cone and why does burst show "95%" in different ranges but doesn't really seem like I hit that guy 95% both cases.
So, my other theory is that it actually shows the percentage that each bullet "hits something in the cone at that range" whether there is anyone in the cone except the target or not. And the times it doesn't hit the cone, it's a total miss (== doesn't ever hit something outside the cone either, but that's not important at the moment). So, for example with m% hit chance, if the guy is n hexes away where the cone is 3 hexes wide, most bullets go along the middle path and hit him m% of time and some bullets go to the left and right hex, "miss" the target in middle hex but still have the m% hitting chance if anything is on their path in the cone (m% for range n, might be less farther away). That's my problem if there's no villains to catch those spare bullets going through the other paths
In case of point blank, the cone is 1 hex wide (probably is), all the bullets go along the only path to the target, each having 95% chance of hitting (if all the bullets of the burst have same hit chance, i.e. it isn't reduced for each consecutive bullet as is in JA2).
Hence the difference in bursting a single target with "95%" when he is 1 hex away or n hexes away.
Of course if this theory is even remotely close to the real thing, the formulas would be more complicated, obviously, but that's the basic idea.
Anyway.. I just got the urge to play FO2 again and decided that this time I'll try some guide since I figured I have already discovered 80-90% of the game. Unfortunately I just don't have the time to replay it 100 times to reach 100% on my own (which I think is impossible anyway, without the guide). But I still want to know what else is out there plus I'm planning on going ironman next time around, so want to know every tidbit to avoid nasty surprises... hence the guide. So I found Per's guide, and that's some really massive work there, have read about 1/3 of it for now.
Btw Per, kinda sadistic background you've got there in the guide. It almost caused me blindness. Saving the page and removing background image and bgcolor="Silver" helped, so no harm done. That doesn't reduce the greatness of the guide of course, amazing work!
Anyway, as ultimate as it is, it still doesn't answer couple of questions I had. I have done some searching in this forum too and read results all day but still haven't got the answers, so I'd be glad if you didn't ban me yet
So, back to the topic. About burstmode:
1) how is the burst "cone" determined? Is it always the same for any weapon?
2) I know that damage and hit chance is determined for each bullet separately (and per's guide confirmed that), but what about the specifics?
Let's say the villain is 5 hexes away or stands just next to me. FO2 shows me "95%" both cases, but it's obvious that each bullet doesn't always have 95% chance to hit in both cases.
So, what does it exactly show and how is the hit chances of each bullet exactly calculated? Does it show the hit chance of first bullet and the next bullets have slightly smaller chance to hit? E.g. 1st 95%, 2nd 90%, 3rd 85% etc.
If thats the case, does the consecutive bullet's hit chance depend on the previous bullet's actual, rounded down hit chance (i.e. _after_ it's rounded down to 95%) or before rounding it down? Blah, that sentence doesn't sound too easy to understand, so, an example. For simplicity's sake let's assume each consecutive bullet gets -5 to hit:
case 1:
130% 125% 120% 115%
rounded down to:
95% 95% 95% 95%
case 2:
first rounded down to 95% and consecutive bullet depends on that number and so on:
95% 90% 85% 80%
The last paragraph in other words:
3) is there any difference having weapon skill at 150% vs at 250% if FO2 shows me burst hit chance 95% in both cases in some particular situation?
4) Burst critical is determined for the whole burst, not each bullet separately, right?
5) Corpses catch burst bullets, derived from corpses lowering hit chance I guess. So do live creatures standing in the way (especially Vic and Sulik if Marcus decides to join the action :p)... what else? Terrain changes too? E.g. I stand on stone plates and the villain on sand? That last one sounds so moronic that I almost deleted it , but.. well.. there's weirder stuff in games.
Ok, enough of the bursts...
6) Now, one of my very favorite weapons in the game is .44 magnum revolver and I just love to shoot people in their eyes with it. And other less intelligent creatures too.. and then there's Lynette.
I sometimes take Better Criticals perk.
Per says: "Of the two types of .44 ammo, FMJ is marginally better unless you count on getting lots of no-armour criticals, in which case the JHP delivers more raw damage."
I take it I should go with JHP 100% of the time, right? Are there any exceptions? 99% of the shots I take with that gun are aimed in eyes.
7) Lastly, question about PE influencing hit chances for different ranges. I always thought that there is no way I can compensate for having extremely low PE if I want to do long range sniping. I've never played low PE yet for that very reason.
I found some formulas of FO1 here. Do they apply for FO2 in terms of PE influencing hit chance? From that formula I conclude that I can get the exact same hit chances in any situation with much lower PE if I compensate by adding ((PE difference)*8) skill points to the weapon skill. Right?
Thank you for your time!
PS. Sorry for my bad English, ain't my native language.
PS2. I just figured out that I could test the PE thing myself with a savegame editor if it allows to change stats (I have never used one before).
Hmm, meanwhile I might have figured out something on my own (zomg!) about the cone and why does burst show "95%" in different ranges but doesn't really seem like I hit that guy 95% both cases.
So, my other theory is that it actually shows the percentage that each bullet "hits something in the cone at that range" whether there is anyone in the cone except the target or not. And the times it doesn't hit the cone, it's a total miss (== doesn't ever hit something outside the cone either, but that's not important at the moment). So, for example with m% hit chance, if the guy is n hexes away where the cone is 3 hexes wide, most bullets go along the middle path and hit him m% of time and some bullets go to the left and right hex, "miss" the target in middle hex but still have the m% hitting chance if anything is on their path in the cone (m% for range n, might be less farther away). That's my problem if there's no villains to catch those spare bullets going through the other paths
In case of point blank, the cone is 1 hex wide (probably is), all the bullets go along the only path to the target, each having 95% chance of hitting (if all the bullets of the burst have same hit chance, i.e. it isn't reduced for each consecutive bullet as is in JA2).
Hence the difference in bursting a single target with "95%" when he is 1 hex away or n hexes away.
Of course if this theory is even remotely close to the real thing, the formulas would be more complicated, obviously, but that's the basic idea.