FO2 quality of crtitical hits


First time out of the vault
I'd like to know, is there a known way to improve the quality of the critical hits of a character who has the "slayer" perk ? all his HtH hits are gonna be critical, but there is a big difference between a simple damagex1.5 and an instant kill. is chance of critical( result of luck, and perhaps other bonuses) improve in any way the quality of the critical of a char with the slayer perk? I've read things about that but I'd like to be sure :)
any help with this question would be helpfull, thanks.
thanks for the answer but that's a little bit out of subject :)
I'm not searching to increase damage of the critical hits, but their quality...
El Chupacabra gave you the correct answer, Better Criticals gives you +20% on the mysterious "critical hit table", thereby improving their quality, which, incidentally, results in an increase of damage. But it also increases your chance of crippling or instant-killing an enemy.

Also, targeted attacks will prove helpful.
mmhhh. ok. and you know other parameters modifying this "mysterious critical hit table" ? are the chance of criticals listed in the char stats actually part of the determination of the quality of critical hits ?
No, that's the basic chance to get a critical hit. Once you get a critical (that way or through Sniper/Slayer) you roll a d100 on one of several crit tables depending on targeted body part. Better Criticals modifies that roll, nothing else that I can think of does.