[FO2] random encounters- the robbers


[FO2] Robber Caves

Is there any frequency correlation between the robber random encounter and location on the world map?

I have seen these guys twice so far. Once was at the beginning of the game (in the Modoc/Den) area. The second time was on the way to Navarro. I have not yet fought then and would like to. Any suggestions on places to look?
RE: random encounters- the robbers

Hi, welsh, how's going? :)Where have you been?

Anyway, what kind of Robbers are you talking about? There are several different kinds. There are the Raiders, the highwaymen, and etc.., so it's kinda vague. Are you perhaps talking about the ones that hides in the caves that has extremely high tech weapons and lots of it? If you are looking for those, try the triangle area between the New Reno, NCR, and the Military Base near the mountain ranges.

But the basic premise for random encounters are that - 1. Luck. Good lucks and bad lucks are required for some of the REs. 2.
Outdoorman skills. The higher you got, the more likely you are able to find most of the REs. 3. Perception and whether or not you got a motion sensor in your inventory. 4. Travel speed. You are more likely to find interesting stuff if you walk. Most likely you will drive right pass some of the interesting REs because you are going too fast.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: random encounters- the robbers

Do you meant the cave robbers?

Well there are three typs of them.

In the first typ they look like tribals and haven't gotten any good weapons (knives).

In the second typ they wear leather armors use plated boxing gloves, hunting rifles and more such weapons.

In the third typ they wear combat armors and can be quiet dangerous. They've now weapons like mega power fists, turbo plasma rifles, pulse rifles and gauss rifles.
RE: random encounters- the robbers

>Well there are three typs of
>In the first typ they look
>like tribals and haven't gotten
>any good weapons (knives).

Wah! I've only ever met the combat armor ones, and not very many times either. I want the other ones!

At least I've gotten the Rave party four times now. :P

RE: random encounters- the robbers

There are actually locations for theese were you find them more often then on other places of the world map.

The tribal robbers will you find more near the coast near Arroyo and the leather armor robbers and be found near San Fran.

I usally find the combat armor robbers near Redding.

RE: random encounters- the robbers

Hi-de-Ho Starseeker!

Thanks for the thoughts from all.

Yes, I was talking about the super strong robbers who wear green combat armor. Them bastards are damn tough!

Fought them twice and they were too tough.

Still looking for the Rave party. WHere might they be!


RE: random encounters- the robbers

>Still looking for the Rave party.
>WHere might they be!

Run a circle (or square) around the Den and you should come across it sooner or later. It's not very interesting. I discovered a trick to get infinite chems there, though.

Rober caves

i found rober caves near Den. 30-40 Robbers in Combat Armor and use YK42B Pulse, Turbo Plasma Rifle and mega magic first. But not found holodisk and other thing. Anything in caves?
RE: Rober caves

Dear SerdarG-

I think I'm confused. There is also a Raider cave that you get a quest to find in VC, where you find a holodisk and some other stuff. This is South of Vault City and figures into the entire NCR, VC and Reno plots.

There is another cave which is a random find that is full of badguys in good armor and carrying great guns. But again this is a random find. Once you leave you will not find it again in the same place (but maybe someplace different).

Maybe you have the wrong cave? You might want to check out Per's guide on this one.
RE: Rober caves

It's the second one he's refering too.

Nothing else to find exept great weapons, money and lots of experience.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Rober caves

I agree- but in his message it sounds like he is looking for holodisks and that sounds like the Raider camp. Also its possible to wander into the random robbers fairly early in the game. It just seemed he was looking for the fixed camp and found the other instead.