Shi Fuel
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-02 AT 06:05PM (GMT)[p]When on the tanker and you're talking to Badger, and he offers to hack the Shi computers for you, if you hack the hubologists, what can you do in it? Is it atually possible to actually fuel their dudey lil ship with the stuff? And if so, exactly what does it do?
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-02 AT 06:05PM (GMT)[p]When on the tanker and you're talking to Badger, and he offers to hack the Shi computers for you, if you hack the hubologists, what can you do in it? Is it atually possible to actually fuel their dudey lil ship with the stuff? And if so, exactly what does it do?