[FO2] Sierra Army Depot questions

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Sierra Army Depot questions

I am playing an evil character, so I did not get the Sierra Army Depot quest from the Wright family (now... the "late" Wright family). I'd still like to get in to raid the place, but I can't find it on the map. How else can I get it to show up on the map?

Also, any tips for getting an unarmed character past the gun turrets? In my last game I just stood way back and sniped them, but that won't work this time (Unarmed, One-Hander, Jinxed... you see my problem).

Finally, once I get in and repair the robot, will it even join me? Being evil, I can't get any NPC's to tag along... even K-9, that ungrateful bastard, wouldn't join me after I repaired him.
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

Only the Wrights give you that quest. However, if you are a slaver they will not negotiate with you. It seems you are out of luck. Sorry. I found out the hard way last week. In fact, I posted the very same thread here. Welcome to slavers, mate!
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

Actually, to my knowledge, Skynet being AI and all, isn't judegmental about the morality of the characters. But, the problem is what kind of Skynet you get? If you can't get at least a normal brain or better(there are four to choose from), don't even bother, because it'll be too stupid to do anything of value.

Starseeker, signing off.

"The final price of freedom, is the willingness to face the most frightening being of all, one's own self."
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

dude you actually got jinxed as a perk? you get that perk when you get the pariah dog (was that what its called?) and most people consider that like the biggest curse in the game.
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-02 AT 02:01PM (GMT)[p]Jinxed has been great as a trait. I'm playing an Unarmed character, so my critcal failures are much less severe than my opponents'. And since I'm evil, I don't have any NPC's that are affected by it. Also, you have to miss first in order to get a critical failure, so I keep my to hit percentages maxed and I barely get any.

The end result is while all my opponents are dropping their weapons and losing their ammo, I'm running around beating the snot out of everybody.

I was just trying to create a character that was as different from my usual characters as possible, and it's been one of the best games I've had.
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

about the turret question, use psycho, throw grenades, or just wear power armor =] the only thing you have to worry about if your wearing power armor is if they critical you.
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-31-02
>AT 02:01 PM (GMT)
>Jinxed has been great as a
>trait. I'm playing an
>Unarmed character, so my critcal
>failures are much less severe
>than my opponents'.

except maybe, I don't know, crippling yourself?
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

I am the guy who face the 13 years limit.
Because my character's karma is -77xx,it seems I will have no chance to receive the job.However,it's wrong!

If your sneak skill is high enough,just sneak into the room to receive the mission.Keep sneaking,or you will be attacked by Wright's family.(You are still a bad guy.)

Another way to enter the room is more easier.Use JET on the guard and adjust time to rest for 30 minutes.The guard will be paralyzed.(If it doesn't work,be patient and try again.My game version is 1.02)Just open the door and sneak one step into the room.(In the distance,Wright can't discover you so he won't make any order to kill you. )Move your mouse to Wright and just speak to him!(Remember,you are still a bad guy.Be carefull!)

In my case,I killed any robot I encountered.In order to kill all robots in 3F,I cheated computer.(I don't have any idea about how to kill all robots in 4F...they are very lucky.)It may be one reason that SKYNET(with best brain) attacked me after we leaved the base.Another reason is SKYNET just use you to complete its plan,and you are useless after finishing the job....

One way to solve the problem is breaking its sensor in the base,which can limit its searching range.It will try to attack you when leaving the base.Just sneak to its back and make orders!
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

Extremely rare and unlikely... it actually did happen once, but since I've tagged Doctor, it was just a minor inconvenience.

I really just chose to jinx myself to mix things up a little, as I was trying to create a character as different as possible from the type I usually play. I thought it would present an entertaining and interesting challenge, and it has. It's only through a little foresight, and a little luck (ironic, no?) that I feel I have been able to turn it to my advantage.
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

>)Move your mouse to Wright
>and just speak to him!(Remember,you
>are still a bad guy.Be

Does this work? I was of the belief that Mr Wright himself won't give you his first quest (the murder case) if your karma is below -99.

RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

The trick works.(My game version is 1.02)
If you are discovered by Wright,you will be attacked.
(Because you entered his room without permission!It has nothing to do with karma!)
Keep sneaking and don't let him discover you.
In my first case,my character's karma is -77xx.By high sneaking skill,I enter the room and receive the mission.
In my second case,my character's karma is 2xx.I use JET trick on the guard and enter the room.Because my sneak skill is poor,I must keep a short distance(about 3 or 4 steps) between I and Wrght.I still receive the job.
RE: Sierra Army Depot questions

>>(Because you entered his room without
>permission!It has nothing to do
>with karma!)

Yep, turns out you're right. Chris and Keith Wright will both react to karma (-101 or lower and they won't take you), but Mr Wright isn't as choosy. Another little gem for the walkthrough. :) (It's coming when it's coming! My stupid game only has the Enclave left now.)
