[FO2] Special weapons

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Special weapons

Are there any other special weapons except for the Alien Blaster and the Solar Scorcher?
RE: Special weapons

Depens what you call special, but if you refering to unique weapons, not that i know off.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Special weapons

Oh right, i forgot about the slugger and little Jesus's knife.

The others, the end boss gun, end boss knife and holy hand grenade can't be gotten legally (ie without cheating). Maybe the first two can but i never managed to do it.

Refined uranium ore ? Can that be used as a weapon ?

Johnny's BB gun is, iirc, just like any other BB gun, only with another name or am i wrong ?


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Special weapons

well isnt not really cheating...... that what I think of it

and the holy hand grenade suposed too be in but yet another quest that they didnt complete. there is a fan made patch tho you prolly knew that

you can get uranium ore from the lost man in the brokenhill mine
then you can let it be refined by some some ghoul in the refinery

as for Johnny BB gun your right.

and got the XL30E3 yet ? I never knew that it existed before i saw Per's Walkrough (thanks Per )
RE: Special weapons

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-02 AT 03:18PM (GMT)[p]>and got the XL30E3 yet ?
>I never knew that it
>existed before i saw Per's
>Walkrough (thanks Per )

I didn't know about it either until I read about it on this board. I doubt many people ever found it on their own unless they killed everyone on the tanker.

Btw, there's one more unique weapon, the mighty Plated Boxing Gloves!

RE: Special weapons

I have got most of them but where can I find the 'slugger'?
RE: Special weapons

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-18-02 AT 07:30AM (GMT)[p]Well I would still say that Johnny's BB gun is special/unique also if it is the same as the normal BB gun (just with another name and picture).

And yes you can attack with the refined uranium ore also if the damage isn't that great (similar to rocks).

Oh and alien blaster might not be unique anyway.

I've heard two stories

Story one

Buy more Alien Blasters from Willy.

Story two

Instead of the Alien Blaster, Willy will sell Red Ryder LE BB guns instead.

RE: Special weapons

>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-02
>AT 03:18 PM (GMT)
>>and got the XL30E3 yet ?
>>I never knew that it
>>existed before i saw Per's
>>Walkrough (thanks Per )
>I didn't know about it either
>until I read about it
>on this board. I doubt
>many people ever found it
>on their own unless they
>killed everyone on the tanker.
>Btw, there's one more unique weapon,
>the mighty Plated Boxing Gloves!

I've actually gotten more of them when fighting leather armor robbers in a cave. :P

RE: Special weapons

>>Btw, there's one more unique weapon,
>>the mighty Plated Boxing Gloves!
>I've actually gotten more of them
>when fighting leather armor robbers
>in a cave. :P

Aw, you're right. It's in the guide, even.

RE: Special weapons

>Well I would still say that
>Johnny's BB gun is special/unique

It sure is.

>Buy more Alien Blasters from Willy.

True. Plus you can get an Alien Blaster in the Enclave. I'm not kidding - check out the update when it comes. ;)

>Instead of the Alien Blaster, Willy
>will sell Red Ryder LE
>BB guns instead.

He will sell normal ones (not LE) if you're at level 1-5. I think you can get the LE only from Dobbs or Buster in NCR (or maybe some freaky encounter that I forgot about).

RE: Special weapons

an update huh ?
cool lemme get my fallout 2 disk ready
or would that be a little too fast ?
RE: Special weapons

I've one more weopon for the list the phazer it was never finished and has no image for the inventory (Unless you class the word 'Phazer' as an image).


The YK42B Pulse Rifle availiable in a Army Depot near you!
<scratches head>

Hi, Per,

I started answering this, then wondered, is this thread talking about FO or FO2, or both? It doesn't seem to be specified.

Anyway, here's what I wrote:

"I haven't played the game for a few months now (though I still lurk here from time to time, and one of these days I will start playing FO &/or FO2 again). So, my memory is a little fuzzy, but I think the only LE BB gun I have found so far came from one of the special encounters. I think it was in one of the crates in the used car mart."

Then I got curious & started checking guides. Hmm, no mention of a used car lot in FO2 encounters, must have been FO.

Sure enough, in your FO guide, I found mention of this:

"Car mart: Bob is a loon, crazy and just insane. Inside the shack you find a Red Ryder BB Gun and a Red Ryder LE BB Gun."

So, I guess I haven't come across a LE BB gun in FO2 yet.

BTW, a question I was going to ask when I started playing again, is there a source for BB's in the game? I found the LE quite useful. I had kept the BB's from the other Red Ryder BB gun, &, IIRC, from Johnny's gun, but even cutting back on it's use the last bit I was playing, I've made significant inroads into the last hundred BB's. I don't recall seeing any for sale anywhere (let's see, in FO, I had returned the water chip, and started exploring, looking for the Glow, so there's still a fair amount of the game not seen). Do you eventually run out of ammo for the LE, or is there an additional source of supply somewhere?

Glad to see this forum is still going; hope that doesn't change.



RE: <scratches head>

>I started answering this, then wondered,
>is this thread talking about
>FO or FO2, or both?
>It doesn't seem to be

Well, it was a Fo2 forum the last time I checked. :)

>So, I guess I haven't come
>across a LE BB gun
>in FO2 yet.

One thing I found recently is that you need a very high LK for Buster to carry the LE; otherwise, the SAD is (I think) the only source for it.

>BTW, a question I was going
>to ask when I started
>playing again, is there a
>source for BB's in the

Buster should sell them, I think Duppo does too. Check out the usual suspects: Eldridge, Percy, SF guns merchant...

>I don't recall seeing
>any for sale anywhere (let's
>see, in FO, I had
>returned the water chip, and
>started exploring, looking for the
>Glow, so there's still a
>fair amount of the game
>not seen). Do you eventually
>run out of ammo for
>the LE, or is there
>an additional source of supply

The situation is quite different in Fo1 since shops never restock ammo. I suppose it would be possible to run out of ammo there if you stick to one weapon.
