[FO2] Statics warfare.

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Statics warfare.

I looked back at assclowns post on *the best charater possiable* and so want to bring this to a conclusion. Heres what I think, and plz tell me if i've missed any thing out.


Traits: Gifted,
FastShot(personal preferance, maybe having heavyhanded
is a better idea since when your strength is 10
your meele damage will be 9 [The best for you])

Tag Skills: Well whatever you like it doesnt really matter.


ST: [5] + 1 from red memory module in vault city then +4 from
Advanced Power Armour = [10] (Maybe have the upgrade perk to
make its standard 7 so 10 can be gained with normal Power

PE: [9] +1 from perk upgrade = [10]

EN: [5] +1 from perk upgrade = [6] (Take Lifegiver early on to
gain full hit points).

CH: [7] +1 from perkupgrade +1 from green memory module +1 from
sunglasses (only if worn) = [10]
(Then have the upgraded armour implants = CH-2 = 8, so for
full party members just take 2 mentats or take the magnetic
personaltiy perk)

IN: [8] +1 from perk upgrade +1 from yellow memory module = [10]

AG: [9] +1 from perk upgrade = [10]

LU: [6] +1 from perk upgrade at the bad luck dog encounter = [10]

After the game is finished go to father tully for the fallout2 hint book then all your skills will be 300% so no need to take the Educated perk at all.

Yes your charater might be hard to play with at the start but near the end of the game u'll be kickass and yes I do have a lot of time on my hands :P

"No... it can't be!"
RE: Statics warfare.

ST 4 - +4 from APA, +1 from perk, +1 from module.
PE 8 - perk, module
EN 9 - perk
IN 8 - perk, module
CH 7 - shades, module, perk
AG 9 - perk
LU 4 - pariah dog + 3, perk, hubologists +2

Take bruiser, and gifted. That's the best you can do.
RE: Statics warfare.

>ST 4 - +4 from APA,
>+1 from perk, +1 from
>PE 8 - perk, module
>EN 9 - perk
>IN 8 - perk, module
>CH 7 - shades, module, perk
>AG 9 - perk
>LU 4 - pariah dog +
>3, perk, hubologists +2
>Take bruiser, and gifted. That's
>the best you can do.

I think you missed the point. He didnt mean perfect stats, he meant best character. As in a character that is good. Or maybe im wrong.

Anyway, I think:

ST: 5 - You dont need this too high at any time, unless you use a melee character. OTherwise drugs will do for anythin else (vault city vault door, arm wrestling francis)

PE: 8 - You can get the sharpshooter perk which makes this like 10 PE for range modifiers, not much use for it otherwise.

EN: 4 - Lifegiver gives you all the hp you need, with armor just keep your hp above 100 and your alright.

IN: 8 - You can use a perk to raise this for dialoge options, or just use the perk to raise it, and theres the memory module.

CH: 7 - Well this will do for most things, anything else you can drug up for. As far as NPC's go, you can drug up. If you need more then 4 to keep though you can get the magnetic personality. But I find that useless, I mean theres not that many good NPC's and then you gotta buy ammo and armor and guns for em...

AG: 9 - This should do until you get the perk to make it go up 1. You can also get action boy, in which case you could even take this down to 8 and improve endurance/perception/intelligence

LU: 7 - You can get +2 from the hubologists. Which is 9, which should do. If you want more you can try the pariah dog thing, or you could just use perks. Anyway if you need critical hits theres perks to cover that, if you just want good special encounters, well I dont see why 9 wouldnt cover that.

Tratis: Gifted and small frame. This will limit your carry weight to about 100. But with the NPC's you can get with 7 charisma it should matter. Then once you get the car...
And if you need really heavy guns, well you should have power armor by then. OR at least have used the module. I usually just have my armor on (the heaviest youll have early is metal... 35 is quite a bit though) my gun, my ammo and thats it. DOnt need anythin else.
RE: Statics warfare.

man that was an old post way back then hehe :)

so long ago i forgot my password, but here i am.

i've been playing fallout2 ever since, and i always play an evil character. it's so fun to me. so fun that when i try to play a nice character i just get swept up doing evil deeds.

Here's what started with:

ST 5
PE 8
EN 4
CH 6
IN 9
AG 8
LK 8

small frame

small guns

I do a lot of drugs in the game because I do quite a lot of combat and drugs certainly help out there.
RE: Statics warfare.

Yeah I did mean best charater. At the hugoligists I always had my luck reduced and I thought that the pariah dog trick only worked with a luck of 6. Please fill me in on this.

I forgot about the perception memory module, I just thought there was modules for strength (vault city), intellegence (the military base from a family wright quest) and charisma (erm...mutant military base or enclave, not sure). Where do you get the perception mod from then, can't remeber at all.

I never liked small frame, just doesn't suit me.

As for charisma I found that NPCs are really, really useful at the start of the game. Near the middle they become more like pack mules. I had that much stuff once I had to overweight sulik, he ended up carrying over 1000 pounds :S In fallout this could be done no problem but in Fallout 2 your APs get reduced.
I found that most of them time I had to proctect my owns guys from sure death than anything else, and never even bothered with them in the Enclave base. So kiting up your NPCS isnt really a problem.

Thanx for your comments, any more feedback you want to add?

"No... it can't be!"
RE: Statics warfare.

Yeah I did mean best charater. At the hugoligists I always had my luck reduced and I thought that the pariah dog trick only worked with a luck of 6. Please fill me in on this.

I forgot about the perception memory module, I just thought there was modules for strength (vault city), intellegence (the military base from a family wright quest) and charisma (erm...mutant military base or enclave, not sure). Where do you get the perception mod from then, can't remeber at all.

I never liked small frame, just doesn't suit me.

As for charisma I found that NPCs are really, really useful at the start of the game. Near the middle they become more like pack mules. I had that much stuff once I had to overweight sulik, he ended up carrying over 1000 pounds :S In fallout this could be done no problem but in Fallout 2 your APs get reduced.
I found that most of them time I had to proctect my owns guys from sure death than anything else, and never even bothered with them in the Enclave base. So kiting up your NPCS isnt really a problem.

Thanx for your comments, any more feedback you want to add?

"No... it can't be!"
RE: Statics warfare.

Well I dont see why you people take so much stuff.

I always sell what I dont need. I never keep spare weapons. I usually only have my 2 slots filled up with weapons and maybe 1 spare. Why would you need any more?

For guns , Id have my best long range weopon (starts with that 1st rifle, then the sniper rifle then the gauss, so on).
then Id have a burst weopons or short range.

Why would you have 50 other guns... i mean when would you use em?! There's almost always 1 clear best gun for ya.
Most other things are very light or dont weigh anything (Stimpacks, super stims, any drugs, money, lockpicks)
and then there's ammo. I usually have 2 of my guns with the same ammo if I can. 1 with something different. E.g. Sniper Rifle + .233 pistol.

Thats why I usually take small frame.

I think my characters a pretty damn good point distribution. If you just want 10 in all your stats follow whitechocobo. But that will make your character pretty average until you do get all the 10's which is usually right at the end of the game.