[FO2] Stupid evil hth character

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Stupid evil hth character

IVe created a stupid (intelligence of 3) evil (he does evil stuff... no not killin whole towns, ask whitechocobo666, i mean he wrote a faq about it) and hth (Hand to Hand, as well as melee).

Im thinking of making the following stats:


Taking small frame (need some extra points) and heavy handed (well it is a melee dude after all).

I cant take gifted as that would leave me with very little skill points each level (8?).
As for tag skills im choosing -

and speech or lockpick

Anyway, are there any suggestions for this? Ive already passed the game as a HtH character, but I need some help on the intelligence issue. Also i thought that almost zeroing out 2 stats (IN and PE) would of made the others high... shows what i know.
So any tips? With such a low in im finding i cant get too many of the side-quests id normally be getting...
So how do you cope? What perks should I take? Should I change my stats, tags or traits? Just anything you can help with...
RE: Stupid evil hth character

Firstly take Gifted. It will really help, yes I know that your skills will suffer but its needed. However noticing that your Intellegence is only 3 I see your point. If you really, really want to play as a dum charater then your skills will suffer and gifted is a big no no. Maybe the Skilled perk will help out but no one likes what happens to your perks levels....

Personally I would take your Luck down to 6, theres a bug in the game with the paria dog encounter where you can get your luck up to 10. Ask if you don't know about it.

Take your Aglity down to 9. Combat will be a bit harder but only for the first part of the game.

Drop your Endurance down to 4. Just take Lifegiverx2 early and you can get to 999hitpoints when at level 100.

Theres nothing wrong with having smallframe as a perk but in relatily its not very good for a HtH person. You might wnat to replace it with Skilled but then your perks will hurt esp if you want to upgrade all your stats.

Don't have speech as a tag skill. Your Int is 3 remeber. Convosation wont be your strong point.

Anyway that would leave you with 4 extra stats. Even though your a meele guy it doesnt mean having such a low Perception. Your strength could be increased to make the game slightly easyer but after getting the Power Armour it wont be a prob. Me myself would put 3 of those points all on perception, but its up to you. That leaves you 1 point to gamble with (this will be the point to exculde if you dont chose small frame, but then your AG will go back to 8) So maybe put it back on AG? Its up to you, depends on how you want your charater to be.

How would i cope with this? I would go mad at the pycos and for convo hype up on mentats. Being evil makes the IN issue easyer. If you've played the whole game u'll know why.

Sorry that this was so long I got a bit carried away, anywayz i hope i helped you a bit.

"No... it can't be!"
RE: Stupid evil hth character

>IVe created a stupid (intelligence of
>3) evil (he does evil
>stuff... no not killin whole
>towns, ask whitechocobo666, i mean
>he wrote a faq about
>it) and hth (Hand to
>Hand, as well as melee).

Well, there isn't really enough evil quests for a dumb character, so you really just have to do whatever there is to do, to get some experience...

>Im thinking of making the following


with no perks at that point...

>Taking small frame (need some extra
>points) and heavy handed (well
>it is a melee dude
>after all).
>I cant take gifted as that
>would leave me with very
>little skill points each level

I would take skilled, heavy handed is pretty useless because of the critical hits stuff, and you need the critical hits as a melee to get the knock outs and instant deaths and stuff... I like kamikaze for the extra sequence, but oh well.

>As for tag skills im choosing
>and speech or lockpick

as dyne said, no speech. Lockpick is probably good, steal is ok, but you can just reload for that...

>Anyway, are there any suggestions for
>this? Ive already passed the
>game as a HtH character,
>but I need some help
>on the intelligence issue. Also
>i thought that almost zeroing
>out 2 stats (IN and
>PE) would of made the
>others high... shows what i
>So any tips? With such a
>low in im finding i
>cant get too many of
>the side-quests id normally be
>So how do you cope? What
>perks should I take? Should
>I change my stats, tags
>or traits? Just anything you
>can help with...

I've just finished as a dumb character once, and I fully rushed through the game, so i'm not really too good at giving help with that, but there isn't too many quests.
RE: Stupid evil hth character

Ive finished that game as a normal character, then as a hth character (I actually had PE at 2, and if i ever needed it I just druged up). IVe tried as an evil dude, got to redding (after vault city/gecko) but then got a bit bored...

You said En at 8... well thats a bit... high.
Pe at 6 is also too high for my melee guy, at the cost of other stats.
You said charisma at 2... well I tried it that low, with 1 dude... but well i just didnt like everyone thinking im some ugly bitch :-P
I said AG at 10, cause if Im gonna be stupid, im gonig to be more combat based to make up for some experiance points. And well Agility is known as the most usefull combat skill.

And I know about that pariah dog thing, but #1 I might not even get the encounter, and #2 I hate people that say 'but you'll get this and this so dont bother' like with strength.
Well say for advanced power armor, by the time you get that your on your way into the enclave and thats like the end of the game. Id rather just have my character ready for now, and change him later. I put luck high to compromise for heavy handed. I can always use mutate (Even though i wont, cause thats a WASTE). You said 2 ranks of livegiver. Id take 1, maybe at level 12. At level 15 Id be gettin that bonus hth attacks, at level 18... well maybe I could take it then... but none of the characters ive ever made have gone up to more then level 25 (before i finished the game). Actually, only 1 has ever gotten the slayer perk, and ive never had sniper... guess im too impatient.

Skilled... are you guys serious. As fallout 2 players you should know thats the worst trait available.
You get a perk ever 4 levels. Thats means you get 3 perks for every 4 a normal character gets. That is really crap.

Also as for convo theres always mentats... maybe an evil charachter is too hard. Anyway, Ive already made a guy, and hes got to modoc. I couldnt get jo to attack the damn slags though. Cause I went to the slags and got the message, when i came back to jo i only had like 2 speech opitions. 'ug' or 'mes-age'... big choice :-P
But I got positive karma *cries* Whitechocobo would not be happy.

Oh and a sidenote Whitechocobo update your evil faq. The character creation thing is pretty crap. Sex appeal as a trait? Steal as a tag skill? I mean, you SHOULD get that to like 50% or so, but its a waste of a tag. I normally raise my tag skills to 100%, and steal does NOT need 100%... at the start perhaps its good but still you cant just save/reload which is what you'd do if it was high anyway, but later on your gonna be killing people for weopons in encounters.

Ah well... im keeping my PE where it is, I mean tell me why it should be higher then 3... well? The thing i MIGHT consider changing is heavy handed, but what for? Not skilled, not gifted... sequence is crap, cause whatever battle ive been in everyone takes turns as usual, and if your talking about starting 1st in random encounters well thats not THAT usefull anyways. Maybe... finesse? ... Perhaps ill take 1 point off endurance and give 1 extra point to somethin... hmmmmmm

And hows being evil make Intelligence easier? Have you ever read whitechocob's evil faq? ITs a good read, and Ill link ya:

RE: Stupid evil hth character

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Nov-15-01 AT 11:25AM (GMT)[p]Just a quick retort, if you dont mind. In reference to...

>Skilled... are you guys serious. As fallout 2 players you should know thats the worst trait available.
>You get a perk ever 4 levels. Thats means you get 3 perks for every 4 a normal character gets. That is really crap.

I dont think you've thought that one out very well. Skilled vs. Gifted and Skilled vs. another trait are slightly different situations (due to the -180 skill points from gifted), but I think you're placing too much value on perks.

Skilled vs. Gifted
(I am not accounting for intelligence changes due to gifted.)
We'll estimate low and assume a skilled character is pulling in 20 sp per level. The same gifted character scores a whole 10. At 4th level, Mr. Skills has 60 sp, and Mr. Gifted has 30. Yes, Gifted got his perk first, but who's up by 210 skill points? This "crap" trait will provide the biggest early game advantage that probably exists, but if you place your stats properly and plan your perks, you should note that skilled is far from useless. (Unless of course you plan on getting the fallout 2 book after finishing the game...which i never do. I'd rather earn my skills.)

Please follow my little scenario:

Non-skilled character: "Yay! I just got a perk." (Possible last words.)
Skilled character: "The pipe rifle....is an extenion of one's body." (Enos, lvl 3, 101% sm guns before he ever touched one.)

Trust me..taking 3 perks to a non skilled character's 4 perks does not have to be a a downfall. You will have a huge early to mid game boost and by the time you're ready for to set sail, you wont even miss those perks.

Bottom line:

No, seriously(sorry, i know that was cheesy..i couldnt help it.) Skilled, just like other traits has its time and place, but is far from crap. I actually play gifted more often than not, so please dont think I'm a skilled fanatic.

Shit...that wasn't as "quick" as i thought it would be....sorry I got carried away. I'm about half dead, so if I'm mistaken about anything or if you simply disagree, speak up.

Vladimer Eight,
The Knifemind

By the way...sorry for ranting in your thread....i was a bit off topic.
RE: Stupid evil hth character

Yeah in someways I agree, skilled might be needed here but its still a risky choose. Esp at the end of the game where you get the fallout2 hint book, but by then you would have done everything.


Well its pritty easy to complete the game with ANY charater at all. Just make your way all the way to San Fran, avoiding all combat (just keep your finger on *A* when combat opens, u'll get the firsy move) Get the Navrro enclave base mission. Manage to get there avoiding the enclave patrols. The eneter the base and u'll get Advanced Power Armour and a few nice weapons at about level 3. Thats a nice thought indeed. Mightaswell pick you the cyberdog there. If your an evil charater and most humnas wont travel with you, just have a whole team of critters.

"No... it can't be!"
RE: Stupid evil hth character

Yes well... all your points are true. And I dont really wanna take my thread into a skilled trait discussion. So everyone one else just post on the main topic (no ones told me what the hell to do yet :-P, although I do have a LOT of mentats, i mean people just kick ya outta vault city if you cant talk properly :()

Anyway I always liked perks more as they change your character even more. As a dumb-ass kinda character I wouldnt need too many skill points in the 1st place. I mean, thiefy skills (lockpick,sneak) maybe repair and combat skills are all you need to get fairly high. The rest would be a waste. So what im trying to say, is sure you get very high skills. But by the time your a higher level you've basically got all your skills to as high as you want them (You dont need non-combat skills above 100 really, apart from things like science for skynet). Perks really change your character to make him different from anything else.
Im playing a very combat oriented character as I said before, and well perks are needed for that in my opinion. For things like -better criticals, faster attacks and so on.

Im also not looknig for a very easy game. The game to me is already too easy cause I know what to do. I thought this might prove a challenge as Im not sure as how to be very evil, im not that kinda person :-P

So sorry, but i dont want skilled... perhaps i might make a new character with it though... hmm... not a bad idea.
RE: Stupid evil hth character

Ok, sorry about the rant, but i did some looking and here's what i come up with. (I cant double check any of this in game, as my cd drive died and i didnt have a full install due to lack of space, so please bear with me.)

st 6 > 4
pe 3 > 6
en 5 > 6
ch 6 > 6
in 3 > 3
ag 10 > 10
lu 8 > 6

I'd recommend not using heavy handed as well.

St: I dont think that the loss of str will hurt that much. Your melee damage should only suffer 1 point, and it's critical hits that are more important I think. Although having big ST with heavy handed is fun sometimes. If you'd rather go for high melee damage then take one off PE and one off CH. That will allow bonus hth damage to be taken right away.

PE: I thought this should be higher because working in hth you'd want the improved sequence. You are, however, more likely to get better combat positioning, which can have mixed results for a hth character. It sucks to get bown away before you have the time to run over to the enemy. Also, better criticals requires PE 6.

EN: The slight increase (more would be better) here has various bonuses. Higher EN ruduces chance of knockdown, knockout, etc. Also, EN of 6 allows early perk of toughness, which i've always been fond of. I'm not sure how everyone else feels about it, but i sometimes take it.

CH: I didnt alter this, but you could knock it down a point maybe to up something else. If you need to pick up allies, just use a mentat.

IN: I'm assuming this should remain a 3.

AG: Action points rule.

LU: I took this down to a 6 because i dont feel the benefit is worth it. More & Better criticals both only require LU 6.

The only perk that i think is endangered by these changes is Slayer, but by lvl 24, 8 ST should not be an issue.

If you drop heavy handed i'd go with either finesse or kamikaze...(or one hander, but i think that only applies to guns?..anyone? if I'm wrong the early combat bonus would probably help your stupid guy along. )

Well, that's my angle, and I hope at least some of it helps.
Good luck!

Vladimer Eight,
The Knifemind
RE: Stupid evil hth character

I tried finesse with a melee character... well all your melee hits do such crap damage, that only a critical can really damage the enemy.

So your basically hittin the enemy waiting for a critial hit to happen. I dont really like finesse, cause your normal damage is then pretty bad and once you get some perks they do the job better.
I like heavy hander, as it really helps you early game. Sure its crap late game, but by then you'll have lots of perks to counter it.

And strength of 4?! That lets you carry hardly anything (only a carry weight of 100 right?) and to get it to 10 you'd need the perk, module and advanced power armor. Strength is very important for melee people. Sure Its all about criticals later, but early/mid-game you'll be missing out.

Charisma... well thats a difficult one though. You said 6. All other stats (apart from intelligence) have something to do with combat. Ive always though of charisma as one of the not so usefull skills.
Like my order of best stats is - In, Ag, Lu, Pe, St, Ch, En
Although It changes with different characters. But Im trying to say the charisma hasnt been very important to me. So I normally only get 4, and have sulik + cassidy. If I need more, you can use DRUGS. Which you also forgot.

You said that better criticals takes 6 PE, well... DRUGS :)
Thats what Im using if I need to talk to someone.

Also, ive found it hard to be dumb AND evil. Like for example the slag message. You get it to Jo and only have 2 convo options. 1 is mes-sage, the other is ug. Ug drops you outta the convo, mes-sage makes you give Jo the slag message and automatically you've solved the problem. No need to tell him bout Karl, or anything. You cant even get him to fight. Same with a lot of other things...

Oh and Btw, IVe basically got the Character sorted out, now I just need help on actually playin him...
RE: Stupid evil hth character

>Oh and a sidenote Whitechocobo update
>your evil faq. The character
>creation thing is pretty crap.
>Sex appeal as a trait?
>Steal as a tag skill?
>I mean, you SHOULD get
>that to like 50% or
>so, but its a waste
>of a tag. I normally
>raise my tag skills to
>100%, and steal does NOT
>need 100%... at the start
>perhaps its good but still
>you cant just save/reload which
>is what you'd do if
>it was high anyway, but
>later on your gonna be
>killing people for weopons in

Yes, I probably should. Hmm... I have steal tagged because don't like having to reload much. My reload times are REALLY REALLY slow. It doesn't matter that much anyway.

And I chose sex appeal, as I wanted as much speech skill as I could at the start. I started to design this as the 'get the power armour at the start' walkthrough, that's why. Should take kamikaze then.

And, as you have seen, character creation is based on people's opinions and what they like. If you don't like tagging those skills or taking those traits, then you don't do it anyway...

