RE: The amazing Dunton brothers...
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-02 AT 09:12PM (GMT)[p]I don't agree at all. Stealing equals using an editor? That's a bit harsh. Stealing is absolutely part of the game. This is a role-playing game - the choice is and should be yours.
Some steal-related bugs may be another thing though - like Happy Harry in the VC courtyard. (Unfortunately) you can be swimming in money and loot if you take advantage of that one. Or the SF merchants and their money, which is very nasty. Then again, sneaking into the Broken Hills merchant's store (forgot her name, was it Liz?) in the middle of the night and stealing some goods off the tables.. Well, that's all good. It's nice to have the chance. A karma penalty for stealing would have been appropriate though, but I guess it would've been too easy to exploit for evil karma hoggers.
Where do I draw the line? Excessive reloading. If you actually try stealing something from those tables, I'd estimate you get caught nineteen out of twenty times, or more. It's nigh impossible - if you don't keep on reloading.
And if one wanders down to SF before Klamath, for instance... Well, nobody said you have to follow a strict order in which to visit towns and complete quests. It's your choice yet again. The first-time player probably won't make it all the way anyway, and just as likely wouldn't even gain anything if he/she made the journey. Or if you've already beaten the game and feel like powerleveling, then why not.
As Per said, exploiting == less fun out of the game. But if that's the way you want to go, then - you guessed it - it's your choice.
Oh, and about the original message: Getting a couple of extra brass knuckles doesn't sound like a major exploit. If you scavenge the entire zone and neighbouring zones carefully, you'll find much more valuable items, like Gecko pelts and such. I'd regard the post as a curiosity - 'interesting to know that' - but hardly worth comparing to those twists of fate that bestow you with tons of actually useful treasures, like Per's example of a caravan for a load of SMGs early on. Besides, the people who suffer the most from exploits are the new players, and they are also the people who are least likely to discover such exploits. Not that FO2 isn't buggy, but if you don't know what 'SF' is then going there 'too early' won't probably be of any concern to you.
"Sometimes I feel like a magic 8-ball. I just spout random sayings and walk away."
- saboteur