The great barter trick
Well I've already given away my little barter in BIS so why shouldn't I do it here?
if you are a item sampler (like me)you maybe would like to keep your quest items. This can easily be done by using this trick.
Lets take Mynoc as a help person.
When you got the flint for Mynoc, he will ask you something like this:
''Have you gotten the flint from your aunt''
But before pressing there use the barter option. In there drop the flint. Return to the dialog and press on the ''Have you gotten the flint from your aunt'' message now.
You'll get the new spear (which also means that you've finished the quest) and now look on the ground! THERE IS THE FLINT!
This trick can also be used for saving money (f.e. the money for the car)
Well I've already given away my little barter in BIS so why shouldn't I do it here?
if you are a item sampler (like me)you maybe would like to keep your quest items. This can easily be done by using this trick.
Lets take Mynoc as a help person.
When you got the flint for Mynoc, he will ask you something like this:
''Have you gotten the flint from your aunt''
But before pressing there use the barter option. In there drop the flint. Return to the dialog and press on the ''Have you gotten the flint from your aunt'' message now.
You'll get the new spear (which also means that you've finished the quest) and now look on the ground! THERE IS THE FLINT!
This trick can also be used for saving money (f.e. the money for the car)