FO2: They won't let me in the Vault city.


First time out of the vault
Hello again,

I'm wondering if there is a PEACEFUL way of getting back into the Vault City. My reputation there is "Vilian" cause I was stealing from the black guy just outside the gate a lot of times. Now they won't let me in, and I'm wondering if there is a peaceful way to get in. I already have a Admit One pass, and the 2 guys in blue shirt tells me to "go away" all the time. Any ideas?

Oh, and one more thing, in the vertibird base, just how DO I get the fob report to get into the Commander's office? I taked to both mechanics at the surface, and they just tell me they're busy... And whenever I try to steal the plans from the locker, the guy catches me and I die. Is there a way to get into the office without going in there "to clean his office"?

Thanks comrades!
If you've read it that much, why didn't you notice this:
Per's Fallout 2 guide said:
# Retrieve the FOB from the base Commander.

This pops up after you ask the computer about getting to the Enclave or talk to Cookie about it. If you ask the guy outside the commander's office who gets to come in, he'll mention the cleaning crew. You must walk out of his sight and wait one hour before you can tell him you've come to clean the office (with IN<4 you can get him to believe this right away though). You can now go in, but the commander won't let you open the locker with the Tanker Fob. Either Sneak-Lockpick the locker, or use (a lot of) Super Stimpaks on the commander. There is an easier way, for which you must have got this quest first (and need good Speech): tell the guard you've come to fetch the Tanker Fob, and the commander will let you walk right in and take it. In any case you get 3500 xp for getting the Fob out of the room.

Or this:
Per's Fallout 2 guide said:
Wallace at the Customs Office will put the Den, Broken Hills and Redding on your world map. There's a number of ways in which you can enter the inner areas of Vault City:

* Stroll into the Customs Office at night, pick the locker and take the Day Pass.
* With Speech 75% or IN 7 you can convince Wallace you must see the First Citizen (just pick the long, eloquent dialogue choices). He'll give you a Day Pass.
* Offer to find the raider base. Do this (see Raiders) and return, Wallace will give you a Day Pass.
* Talk to Wallace wearing only your vault suit, or the Bridgekeeper's Robes, and he'll slap a Day Pass on you faster than a gecko on Jet. This happens automatically if you talk to him with IN<4.
* Tell Wallace you're a trader. If you have any (Golden) Gecko Pelts, (Refined) Uranium Ore or a Gold Nugget in your inventory you can show them to him, or if you have any humanoid party members other than Cassidy you can simply claim you're about to sell them into slavery. You can then fork out $500 for a Day Pass.
* Pickpocket Wallace for a Day Pass.
* If you know of the Jet problem in Redding, ask Wallace about Redding and say you know why the shipments have slowed. He'll give you a Day Pass.
* Talk to Skeev and buy False Citizenship Papers off him for $200 ($150 with Barter 50%), then threaten to expose him and he'll give you $300 back! This is by far the best option. You can turn him in to Wallace, but this requires giving up your False Citizenship Papers (with Barter 75% you can ask for a Day Pass in exchange).
* Talk to Skeev with an IN<4 character and you'll end up inside the vault as a "servant" (but you'll be able to leave without anyone reacting).
* If you destroyed the Enclave you'll be allowed to enter, even if you were previously banned.

a green starThe reason Wallace will see your vault suit under the Bridgekeeper's Robes is simply that the game forgets to check for it when determining if the character is "naked". This bug affects some dialogues slightly - Lynette and the President, to name a couple - but only has any real effect on Wallace and Dogmeat.

With a Day Pass you can enter the compound during daytime only (you'll be searched for drugs (Buffout, Psycho, Mentats or Jet) and alcohol (all 5 kinds)), but not enter the vault or use the largest shop. Also some people will throw you out if they find you after 6 p.m. With False Citizenship Papers you can enter without being searched and use the shop but not enter the vault. If you get a Day Pass from Wallace (in a legit manner) you can get new ones for $50 each should you need them, though I can't figure out a reason why you ever would. By the way, when entering using the False Citizenship Papers, don't make the mistake of calling the First Citizen a "he", or mentioning "all the vaults".

a green starMarcus and/or Lenny will not be allowed to enter the inner city unless you're Captain of the Guard. Incidentally, the guard's objections to them have been mixed up. Should you bring either of them inside anyway people will turn hostile, which is bad. Goris fits in just fine, apparently on account of his inconspicuous cloak.

a green star IN<4: There are many people downtown who'll get you permanently banished from Vault City if you talk to them and wait for them to call the guards, such as Lydia, Dr Troy, Lynette (even if you wear only the vault suit, though the conversation is different) and McClure. The "Shamble off" option should always get you safely out of a conversation, though sometimes you can only choose between being thrown out or resisting.
1. I didnt go away right after the guard mentioned the cleaners. So I cant talk to him about anything else BUT getting the fob report.

2. I told you, I can't get IN no matter what, and I already HAVE a pass. The people there hate me, which means: I can't talk to Skeeve, even when I'm wearing the V13 clothing. Which means I cant talk to Wallance about anything either.

As you can see, I've read through and tried out all the opions. Don't take me for an idiot.
Clearly, though, you haven't come to the oh so obvious conclusion that you can't get into VC anymore. That's all there is to it. Tough luck.

As for your other question, I clearly answered your question. If that's not what you meant, you should've asked a different question.

Plus, I don't see your problem there. You can ask him about taking the FOB report, and he'll let you in, and you can take the FOB report without problems. So, what's your question?
The mechanic only answers me with "Go away busy blah blah" and I can't get the report from him, although the other way is to lockpick the locker and get it, but then the whole base would be after me.

And there must be a way to get into the VC non-violently.
oblisk said:
The mechanic only answers me with "Go away busy blah blah" and I can't get the report from him, although the other way is to lockpick the locker and get it, but then the whole base would be after me.
Yes, and, as you must have read, those are the only two ways to do it.
Look, maybe you haven't fully grasped the choices and consequences bit of Fallout (2) yet. It means: if you fuck something up, you've fucked it up, and you need to live with the consequences. That's it.

And there must be a way to get into the VC non-violently.
No, seriously, why? If Vault-City doesn't want you anymore because of your actions, then why should there be a way to get in peacefully?
Go try out everything Per describes. If none of that works, then you can't get in peacefully.
Choice and Consequence. It's what makes a coherent RPG.

If you decide to piss the guards off, that's your choice. Not a smart choice, but hey, it's not a happy happy Bioware fairyland, is it?
Good info guys. :D

I do have a question concerning getting in the VC, UNNOTICED. Is it possible with a high sneak skill (ie. at night :lol: ) or does one have to knock out/kill the two guards first?
Try super-stimming them to death if you need to get rid of them. Killing them directly might piss them off even more.
Ashmo said:
Try super-stimming them to death if you need to get rid of them. Killing them directly might piss them off even more.

Would planting explosives on them and leaving still let others know what you did?

I'm not sure. It seems like sometimes it works that way, other times not.