[FO2] vault 13

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vault 13

ok, this is my firs time here, and i found a few things playiung fallout 2....like the federation crash site. about 1 block below allow or whatever yer village is called. kinda funny, i got 3 hypos there. well, im playin the game, and cassidy is with me, who i regretfully had to kill. then i found a random encounter in the desert. an arch of stone. i walked through it, and ended up in a vault, level3, i guess. the elevator doesnt work. im stuck. i think its vault 13, the computer wont let me do anything. pip boy wont let me do anyhing. i think its vault 13, cause all the doors have a 13 on them, and a locker had a few canteens with a 13 on them. has anyone been there, howe the hell do i get out? or do i scrap the game and start over...like the lloyd search? this is the first time i asked for help in any game. please please someone tell me there is a way. oh, whats the max weight of the elevators? im carring 1000 lbs of guns :) i ditched over 1/2 of what i had to get it under 1000 lbs. i can ditch everything if i have to, cept the fult cell reg for tghe car and a few others odds and ends. and where is san fran sisco? i never found it, but the brother bood always tells me to go there. thats why im going after the car...to search fast. but now im stuck, snd theres no way out. whenever i use the science skill the game crashes...so i cant do anything at all with the computers. am i where the geck is supposed to be? i never found it. theres no wall lockers either. i think im just screwed.

RE: vault 13

lots of questions

OK first Vault 13, use the computer for the water chip but first get the solar scorcher from the small room when u use the comp u get xp and learn some history

Next- no max weight for elevators.

Then- san fran is waaaaaaay down soth in the south west area next to the sea. Be careful on the journey

And finaly- the GECK is in the present Vault 13, I won't spoil the truth of it. U need to go to Vault 15 for the posistion of vault 13 though.
RE: vault 13

Ok. I'm assuming you're a newbie to Fallout 2, so I'll do a little explaining. In Fallout (1) one of your first quests is to find a water chip for your vault (13). this special random encounter that you described is vault 13 *IN* Fallout 1. Walking through that circular rock transported you back in time to fallout 1. So, to get out, you have to access a computer (in the Southeast corner) and accidentally break the water chip. All you have to do is click on the computer to break it. Be SURE to get the solar scorcher lying on the floor in the room with only footlockers (solar scorcher is hard to see, so keep a sharp eye)


"Your ride's over, mutie. Time to die." - Frank Horrigan
RE: vault 13

well i'll be, a newbie!!! haven't one of those since i before the war, wonder if they changed a lot... sure do wanna give this one a try ride and chack him out:-)
boy, u haf no idea what u just gotten yourself into, my advice to u is that u just sit back and enjoy the ride!!!

i think that i speak for all, evil and good, when i say Good Luck and god speed.

RE: vault 13

OK you don't have to ditch ANYTHING. Keep all your stuff, get the stuff out of the lockers (solar scorcher) and 'accidentally' break the water chip. This transports you back (with 1000 exp). To get to San Fran just go to the southwest corner of the map, then drive up the coast. You can't miss it.

As for the Geck, that's in the PRESENT vault 13. Remember, this vault 13 you're in is the past vault. The geck is much harder to get, and it'll be a while before you can even start thinking about looking for the Geck. I can tell you that to get to vault 13 you have to go to Vault 15 (southeast corner of map) and take out everyone in vault 15. Then, there is a corner on the third level in the southwest corner that (if you have high science skill) you copy the location of vault 13 on your map.
