Vault City doesn't want me
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-01 AT 06:22PM (GMT)[p]While trying to qualify for Vault City citizenship, I managed to piss of the VC Overseer (? Mayor? Grand Poobah? Head Bitch?.. whatever she's called) due to my attitude regarding the "Gecko problem." I was immediately booted out the gate and have not been allowed back since. I hoped my good reps in the nearby towns would eventually improve my VC rep slightly, but I am still hated there. Frankly, I am tired of waiting for them to come around and I'm ready to storm the gate, but I've barely completed any of their quests and would still like to. Am I SOL in VC, or is there still some way to still make nice with them? At least nice enough to be let back through the gates?
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-01 AT 06:22PM (GMT)[p]While trying to qualify for Vault City citizenship, I managed to piss of the VC Overseer (? Mayor? Grand Poobah? Head Bitch?.. whatever she's called) due to my attitude regarding the "Gecko problem." I was immediately booted out the gate and have not been allowed back since. I hoped my good reps in the nearby towns would eventually improve my VC rep slightly, but I am still hated there. Frankly, I am tired of waiting for them to come around and I'm ready to storm the gate, but I've barely completed any of their quests and would still like to. Am I SOL in VC, or is there still some way to still make nice with them? At least nice enough to be let back through the gates?