FO2 Vault Rats MOD Resolution Problem


Enjoy simple moments, Turn fear into excitement.
This here is when I started the game with Hi-res..


Now here it being disabled ( It's either my laptop sucks pretty badly or this is what it really looks like )


So I mess around with ddraw.ini here is the result..


Now I don't really have a problem playing it as it is.. but if its possible to change the resolution from I think 600x400 to at least 800x600 or higher, I would really very much appreciate any help.. cuz I tried things in ddraw.ini nothing happened maybe I'm missing something or I just don't really know what to do.
When you open f2-res-Config , you can press the button *Manually Edit Config*. It opens a notepad file.

Then, check those three lines.


You can replace some 0 by 1 and some 1 by 0.

I can't recall exactly which settings i used, but i was able to play the mod on high-res mod, without those black borders or without being unable to scroll. Although, the edges of the map weren't much pretty.
well sh*t, I was right I'm just missing something.. and the answer was already there. If it were a snake it could have bitten me to death or at least the poison will. thanks for reminding me something so obvious I was so stupid to realize it.