FO2 Won't Load My Saved Games


First time out of the vault
Okay I started playing FO2 about a year ago, stopped playing because of life happenings, but I saved my savegame folder to a CD.
I recently installed F2 on my computer and copied the savegame folder to my installation. I made sure that it wasn't read-only, but I can't load any of my old saved games. I get some sort of error on dwwin.exen

As a note:

  • My OS is WinXP-Pro
    I do have an official FO2 CD (not-copied, or pirated)
    I seem to remember that my original FO2 folder was installed on a different HDD, but that shouldn't matter (should it?)
    My current installation of F02 is Humongous
    FO2 is patched to version 1.1
Which version was the earlier FO2 game where you copied the saved games? I'm not 100% sure but some patches are not compatible with saved games from other patches. Did you try the save game converter?
Do you have the saved game in a folder called SAVEGAME/SLOT01 (02,03, etc) with all of the files and subfolders included for each game?
Montez said:
Do you have the saved game in a folder called SAVEGAME/SLOT01 (02,03, etc) with all of the files and subfolders included for each game?
Yes I do, sorry forgot to mention that I had backed up the entire Savegame folder.

Todo said:
Which version was the earlier FO2 game where you copied the saved games? I'm not 100% sure but some patches are not compatible with saved games from other patches.
I'm pretty certain the saved game files are the same version. I tried it before I patched... had problems, then I remembered that I patched FO2. So I found the patch file I had backed up and installed it and tried again with no luck.

Todo said:
Did you try the save game converter?
No... where's that? With the patch I assume. (Sorry, I'm not at my PC to check right now)
Hmm. Try moving all the SLOTXX folders to your desktop or somewhere. Start up a new game and save your game in all ten slots, exit, then replace the contents of those folders with your old save games. It sounds stupid, but it might work.

Anyway, here's the savegame convertor, though make sure you make an extra copy of your saves before you use it, just in case.
savegame convertor link is no longer valid. The file isn't hosted anymore.

Well my newly created saved games will load. If I can't find the saved game converter looks like I'll just have to lose all my old chracters.