[FO2] Wrights

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ONE more question and then I'll leave this wonderful source of information. And this my come across as a dumb question (first shot at the game....loving it!) Where are the Wrights? I've found the Mordinos, Salvatores, and Bishops (of course). It seems like they are an 'obvious' family, but for the short term I haven't seen them. Any help? And THANKS one last time (yah...like I won't be back!haha).
RE: Wrights

The wrights are in the far left of the town. It's on the left of the upper town district, where the salvatores and the bishops are. But I never became a made man of the wright family, just did 2 jobs for them, cause they're losers.
We are from the West. The world we suggest should be of a new wild West, a sensuous, evil world, strange and haunting. The path of the sun.

Jim Morrison
RE: Wrights


Actually, the Wrights are up one and one to the RIGHT of "Virgin Street", not to the left.

I work with the Wrights because: They're not evil, they have a good cause, (find who killed their kid) and they also give you the mission for the Sierra Army Depot.

(If you miss that mission, you miss a CRAPLOAD of equipment, experience, weapons, ammmo, and background story. Remember, all those modules are in the Depot.)
RE: Wrights

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-01 AT 10:30PM (GMT)[p]>*Spoiler*
>Actually, the Wrights are up one
>and one to the RIGHT
>of "Virgin Street", not to
>the left.
>I work with the Wrights because:
> They're not evil, they
>have a good cause, (find
>who killed their kid) and
>they also give you the
>mission for the Sierra Army
>(If you miss that mission, you
>miss a CRAPLOAD of equipment,
>experience, weapons, ammmo, and background
>story. Remember, all those
>modules are in the Depot.)

I always do this mission, but I prefer becoming a Made Man of the Bishop family, because they're the mightiest family and they Wrights don't even produce drugs. Often I just kill them all after finishing the 2nd quest.

Edit: Oops. right on the right not on the left. I knew where they are, just mixed it up.
We are from the West. The world we suggest should be of a new wild West, a sensuous, evil world, strange and haunting. The path of the sun.

Jim Morrison
RE: Wrights

Plus you get a medical memory module in the SAD for use later on.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Wrights

The Wrights can be found, ironically, to the right. More specifically, to the right of Second Street. Follow the street that runs between the Bishop's casino and (I think) the boxing building, to the right. There should be an exit grid.

If you're playing a good character, I would reccomend going with the Wrights. You don't have to kill anyone to gain their favor, and, if you play your cards right, a certain quest from Orville Wright can net you some sweet tech.

(Zips Lip)

Keep in mind, if you are a "made man" of a family, any of the other families will give you one warning, then attack you on sight. I find that, if you've become a made man of the wrong family, the best way to lose your status is to take potshots at a member of that particualar family... hehheh
