FO3 Phalanx - Fallout2-Inspired Follower Overhaul + Misc Mod


First time out of the vault
FO3 Phalanx
Fallout2-Inspired Follower Overhaul + Misc Mod for Fallout 3

Version 1.06 released on November 1, 2009

FO3MasterUpdate updated on September 29 -
Direct link here: http://http//

Until there is a Zeta compatibility module, you should make Phalanx-specific followers
(Malcolm, Deisha, K-9) wait or be dismissed before beginning this DLC's content.

FO3 Phalanx is a comprehensive Fallout 2 - themed mod for Fallout 3. Phalanx' main strength at this time is as follower overhaul mod. It is working toward these goals:

1) Bringing back to Fallout 3 the levels of follower sensibility and control that was offered in Fallout 2. or exceeding it.
2) Adding back some of the content that feels 'missing' from Fallout 3.
3) Additional objectives (related to ongoing Enclave warfare) after completion of the vanilla Fallout 3 Main Quest..

The current release version is 1.06.
* Download location:
* Small-File download location (no voice files):
* Video:

* Like with all mods that are new to you, you should keep a savegame around from before you loaded the mod
* in case you do not like what the mod does.

Mod characteristics (some of the below listed characteristics can be adjusted or overridden by the player):

New Followers

Phalanx introduces 3 new followers at this time:

Malcolm is inspired by Cassidy from Fallout 2. He is voiced by André D. Cox" aka "Mr. CoX" ( He's not identical to Cassidy however, and works out with characters of any karma (Cassidy was good karma only). Malcolm is intended to be picked up in Megaton when the player's character is young. He is is integrated to help the player through the young-player quests.

Deisha is implemented as the flip-side to Clover, and is not voiced at this time. She is hired in Rivet City.

K-9, a cybernetic dog follower, is inspired by K-9 from Fallout 2. K-9's mesh and texture were made by Drag0ntamer <dracotamer> with thanks to Andrew Gardiner <simba> and TheDamned ( K-9 represents a later version of the same K-9 unit that existed in Fallout 2. He is your dad's follower in the vault, and then you get to have K-9 for yourself later in the game.

There are more new followers planned for the future. They would become available after completion of Fallout 3's "main quest" (MQ11).

World changes and additions:

There are two camp sites that the player can come to own and use for important follower functions.

Sometime after the player reaches level 16 and visits Rivet City a few times, a new small town becomes accessible. The small town is not yet finished (only has one vendor at this time) but it is generally usable. See the notes at the end of this description about "FO3MasterUpdate.exe" in regards to this area.

There is an indoor military headquarters that the high-level player can come to own and use for important follower functions. After the player completes the Fallout 3 main quest MQ11 (using either the Free-Play-After-MQ mod, or, Broken Steel), a quest is offered in the new town that makes it come available. Use of this player-owned area with all versions of Fallout 3 released to date (1.7) requires the FO3MasterUpdate.exe tool to be used (see the notes at the end of this description).

Follower characteristics and changes:

- - - Like in Fallout 2, you get to work with a group of followers. Follower maximum number in Phalanx is not, however, based upon "Charisma", because Fallout 3's game balance does not use the SPECIAL points the way that Fallout 2 did and it does not work properly as a game balancer.

- - - Like in Fallout 2, you can apply stimpacks to all followers except for the robot.

- - - Like Fallout 2, you can tell which weapon skills a follower has. You can actually see all of their stats on demand and observe them leveling with you over time (no Fallout 2 equivalent).

- - - Like in Fallout 2, you control what weapons your followers use, and they try to use them sensibly. There are three aspects to this.

1. You get to choose the weapons and give them to the follower, without the interference of Fallout 3's invisible, "default" weapon being there.
2. Followers choose from weapons in their inventory based upon target distance sensibilities. They don't waste all of your good ammo for dumb reasons. They make an effort to use their weapons the same way that you would. For this to work, it requires you to not use mods that change which ammo the followers' weapons use. This weapon selection mechanism can be turned off within each follower's tactics dialogue menu, if necessary.
3. Like in Fallout 2, you have to manage your team's ammo. The only one who gets a free ride on this is the robot (RL-3).
4. Like in Fallout 2, followers generally must have the corresponding weapon skill for what you give them.

- - - Like Fallout 2, you can see followers' approximate health by looking at them ("Wounded", "Severely Wounded", etc).

- - - Followers apply stimpacks to YOU if you are in trouble, as long as they themselves are not in trouble (no Fallout 2 equivalent).

- - - "Make a hole" group command exists to ask them to get out of your way if they are trapping you (this exists in Fallout 2 as an individual command).

- - Like in Fallout 2, you can accumulate a squad with any karma. The karma requirements for followers are:

* No karma restrictions: K-9, Charon, Jericho, Malcolm, RL3, Butch, Dogmeat
* Neutral or Positive karma for hire, re-hire at any karma: Deisha
* Negative karma for hire, re-hire at any karma: Clover
* Positive karma for hire and re-hire: Fawkes, Star Paladin Cross

- - - Like in Fallout 2, follower deaths in combat do not sneak up out of nowhere. The turn-based nature of Fallout 2 automatically prevented this. In Phalanx, this effect is achieved through the Leader's Sense perk, available from level 3. This perk gives you advance warning when one of your followers is losing HP and drops below two pre-defined thresholds.

- - - There are powerful group-at-once combat commands that do not have a Fallout 2 equivalent, and exist because Fallout 3 has an FPS element that Fallout 2 does not have. Currently, those commands are:

- Retreat to my position!
- Fall back to my position!
- Push to my position!

Four special, strategic attack modes:

- Wait, then charge when I enter combat.
- Follow at a long distance, then charge when I enter combat.
- Hold position here, and shoot at any enemies you can see.
- Hide here, and try to stay out of the fight.

- - - Like in Fallout 2, a follower's death THEORETICALLY gets a similar treatment to the player's death.

In regular Fallout 3, when the player dies, the game immedietely reloads to the last save, which has no Fallout 2 equivalent. But then, regular Fallout 3 lets the followers 'die' with no consideration at all. This is a difference that Fallout 2 players may perceive as being wrong.

With Phalanx, both the player and the followers are considered 'essential'. Followers who take too much damage in combat are not allowed to simply die. Instead, they survive the fight but become useless for a while. For low-level player characters, the useless period only lasts until the fight is over and the player discusses the fight with the follower afterward. For high-level characters (14 and up), the follower stays unusable for longer, and must be given recovery time at the player's owned camp site or military base.

- - - Like in Fallout 2, followers do not tend to wander off without you realizing that they wandered away. During fights and for 60 seconds afterward, followers are in "Follow-Combat" mode and are eager to investigate nearby enemies. Regular Fallout 3 followers are always in this mode. With Phalanx, once that 60 seconds are up, they switch to "Regular Follow" mode, and are much less likely to break out of your group and wander off in search of enemies.

- - - Some followers can have different weapons skills based upon your choice when you hire them. This has no Fallout 2 equivalent.

- - - Like in Fallout 2, there is no magical auto-heal to non-robotic followers after combat. During combat, stimpacks heal followers for the regular amount, and if not in combat, a single stimpack will bring a follower back up to full health.

- - - Like in Fallout 2, the robot (RL-3) is able to repair itself after combat, but is not repairable during combat.

- - - Like in Fallout 2, an equivalent of "Rest until party is healed" exists. When you sleep at one of your player-owned campsites or your military base, followers auto-heal with you.

- - - Like in Fallout 2, your Super Mutant follower (Fawkes) has certain characteristics:

* Is talented at unarmed skill and uses it well, achieving occasional knockdowns and doing good damage.
* Can equip and use all the expected weapons for a Super Mutant from Fallout 2, with the exception of the power fist (game cannot animate him properly with it). His unarmed damage amounts have been adjusted upward to match what you would expect him to do if he had a "Super Power Fist".
* Fawkes has been statistically tuned to have the same success rate against Deathclaws with his fists that Fallout 2's Marcus does with a Super Power Fist.
* Fawkes is reckless and suicidal in the high-level game, which is like Fallout 2 (remember what happened to Marcus when you tried to take him to the oil rig? Same deal). He can be great if managed carefully and stimmed through his take-on-all bull-rushes against enemies.

Miscellaneous characteristics:

Followers do not auto-fire to their hire locations when Vault 87 deal happens, they instead do something much more sensible.

Most of Butch, Charon, and Jericho's Phalanx-related voice lines have audio. Additionally, the "Let's trade equipment" responses of Star Paladin Cross, Butch, and RL-3 have been replaced with shorter lines.

Human and Ghoul followers have a chance to spawn "fingers" and "ears" on appropriate enemy corpses if you have the Lawbringer or Contract Killer perk (code used from CK LB & EXP partner support).

Powerful follower-problem-solving NPC "Gary" lives in a trailer outside of megaton. He has a variety of functions:

* Can help you work out various emergency situations with your followers, such as if one got lost or is broken by another mod scrambling its variables.
* Adjust some of Phalanx' gamsettings if you don't like them, such as, he can enable "take a break" behavior in any area you ask for it,
* Turn back on the post-combat auto heal, and other gameplay changes
* Can help resolve mod conflicts by reporting which items are being overwritten by another mod.
* Can answer a number of questions and is able to explain how some things work.

Followers come to you on-command and ask for the ammo they need, which you can supply within the same dialogue.

RL-3 has 2 storage compartments, handles itself more sensibly in fights, and has had its "let's trade equipment" response shortened.

Dogmeat is much more sensible.

The robot-dog follower K-9 has two sensibility settings.

OPTIONAL .ESP FILE: Stimpacks heal more damage than usual, to balance for the fact that you use them on followers. Also, Fallout 2 did not scale stimpack heal amounts with Doctor or Medicine skill, so it may feel more intuitive to Fallout 2 players.

OPTIONAL .ESP FILE: Adds some cross-repair between weapons and prevents against accidental loss of uniques.

OPTIONAL .ESP FILE: Overhauls the vendors in the game to have more caps and ammo. Where there is demand, there comes supply, right? Also adds ammo reload kits to the game (conventional ammo only).

Group command exists for telling your followers to take-a-break, and they will unequip their helments and wander around. This is limited to pre-set areas that are configured to be safe from follower malfunctions, but, it can be enabled to work anywhere by talking to "Gary" as mentioned above.

You can tell followers to remove their headgear as a group command (this makes it easier to see who is who if you have them all in the same armor and need to find a certain one). Does not work with Broken Steel helmets at this time.

Future direction:

Phalanx will have its own quest lines after the Main Quest is completed (game does not end). Among the things these quest lines will work with are:

- - Ability to communicate with some followers remotely. Will not be overpowered, but will be powerful planning tools when used well.

- - The "Intelligent Deathclaws" from Fallout 2 are planned to be reintroduced

- - A race of Super Mutants that are more intelligent, like fallout 2's Marcus, are planned to be re-introduced

- - Ongoing warfare with the Enclave, with challenging raid and defensive situations, will happen

- - The new areas in Phalanx right now are unfinished, and will be completed later.

Installation Overview: (details included in zip file):

For this and many other mods, it's necessary to change a few settings in your
"FALLOUT.INI" file for them to work properly. FALLOUT.INI is in a strange location.
c:/Documents and Settings/your-username/My Documents/My Games/Fallout 3/ .
The two changes you need to make in the file are:

#1: Find the line that says:


and change it to:


#2: Add this line below the [General] statement:


Step 2: File Installation
Put the .esp and .bsa files into your c:/Program Files/Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3/Data

Step 3: Verification and optional FO3MasterUpdate.exe

Run the game, see that your load order seems correct, and use FO3MasterUpdate if you're going to do it.

Notice: In-game follower reset procedure

If you are not starting a new game, Phalanx will auto-detect this, and offer to move
you and your followers to a helper NPC who will help reset your followers so that
they are fully compatible with Phalanx. If you decline to move at that time, the NPC
can be visited later, outside of Megaton along the left hand wall.


* Remove all items from your followers, and save your game.
* Restart the game, and uncheck the boxes in the "DATA FILES" menu that were specified
*in the installation procedure.
* Check the Phalanx-Uninstall.esp box, and run the game.
* After that .esp has completed the follower reset, save your game into a new slot, and then
* restart the game without any Phalanx .esp files loaded to check that you are happy with
* the results.
* delete the .esp files if you want.
* Unless you used the "Phalanx-Not-Recommended-PerksAndStims" .esp
* nothing further is necessary.
* If you did use the nonrecommended version, I don't actually know how to get the perk out of
* your savegame. I could not get it out of mine. Hence, the "Not Recommended" name on the file.

* KNOWN ISSUES for version 1.0

BROKEN STEEL FAWKES/DOGMEAT/RL-3? ISSUE: If you started your game anew with Broken Steel loaded and Phalanx not loaded, your version of Fawkes, Dogmeat, and possibly RL-3 are bugged with excessive hitpoints. Phalanx cannot repair these characters. The only solution at this time is to start a new game with Phalanx loaded, as Phalanx automatically overrides the problem when used this way.

Followers will have bright white body skin if Fo3MasterUpdate.exe is not run against Phalanx-MainFollowerModule.esp. This is a game problem, not a problem with Phalanx.

The new quest in the new town area will fail to work properly if you do not use FO3MasterUpdate.exe. It could be visited for ammo perhaps, but followers should be parked elsewhere if FO3MasterUpdate.exe is not going to be used.

Followers will be unable to walk around and do things in the the player-obtainable base unless FO3MasterUpdate is used.

When you get your first "Ammo Reload Kit" in Vault 101, you might drop it on the ground and at first it will be invisible. This appears to be a game problem, not a problem with Phalanx. It should start to work properly after a few savegames are settled.

A follower who is in combat has a small chance of becoming frozen in place and unable to draw a weapon. This is related to a fallout bug with weapons. If you see this, you can fix the follower by opening trade, noting that the follower has two of the same type of weapon but should only have one, and remove/replacing that doubled-up weapon in the follower's inventory.

Followers were only intended to be "trainable" once, but this menu option is being seen more often than once. Not sure what's up with that.

Somewhere in the "come get your ammo" code, there might be a debug message accidently left in a result script. If you see it, please tell me which follower has it. KTHX!!

Contributor list for version 1.0

Bethesda made Fallout 3

Super Mutant Animations created by TalkieToaster

"Malcolm" follower NPC is voiced by André D. Cox" aka "Mr. CoX" , email address:

The Phalanx Headquarters interior cell is dual-authorship by FO3Phalanx and Liath (

PhalanxK9's texture and eyes mod created by Drag0ntamer (<dracotamer>)
with thanks to Andrew Gardiner <simba> and TheDamned (

Ammo reload boxes originally from ReloadAmmo.esp by "b3w4r3", at

Follower integration of Lawbringer/Contract Killer perks uses code from "CK LB & EXP partner support."

Part of the vendor changes .esp utlilizes "richvendors" by Ravioli (xfire - jackalking12)

Elminster made FO3edit and FO3MasterUpdate.exe. FO3edit was necessary to make
Phalanx viable. FO3MasterUpdate is needed to make it work properly with Fallout3.exe
versions 1.7 and earlier (current version at time of release). Elminster also assisted with
esp file cleanup and management.

TGBlank optimized the "caps on" code, and assisted with mod compatibility issues.

Cipscis provided help with scripting, including code optimization on the weapon-selection system.

The script on the underworld door was made by QZilla.

Echonite made the vertibird script.

Other stuff is by FO3Phalanx

Modification usage terms:

K9 texture/mesh: contact Drag0ntamer (<dracotamer>)

Questions about Malcolm's voice acting material should be directed to
André D. Cox" aka "Mr. CoX" , email address:

Super Mutant Animations and CK LB & EXP partner support are modders resources.
Contact their respective authors if there are questions about use of them. Situation is
similar for the content of other mods listed above.

Rest: do whatever, but it would make sense to credit Phalanx if you use a lot.

Broken Steel Compatibility Notes

Use the Phalanx-BrokenSteel-Integration.esp in the file listing to create proper behavior and follower handling during Broken Steel's main quest line. Side quests have not been addressed at this time. Load this .esp AFTER Phalanx-MainFollowerModule.esp. If you don't use FO3masterUpdate.exe, the scene where you are exiting Adams Air Force Base is known to fail.

FO3MasterUpdate.exe - - - - Fallout 3 Version 1.7 (current) and earlier notes

FO3MasterUpdate by Elminster is included in Phalanx' zipfile, or can be downloaded from here:
Wanted to add some notes about some things -

- I consider the existing procedure to hire the Malcolm follower as being a stand-in. At some point I'm intending to give him a better hire quest. The voice actor is still available for him so there's no technical reason I can't do this.

- I don't consider the Fallout Bible to be canon, but positively stick to what's clear in Fallout 2 and 1 themselves. This perspective shows in some of my content and in what I plan to do in the future.

- Phalanx is capable of making your game be too easy, at least because of the follower effectiveness with their weapons, and not to mention how you can take as many as your karma classification allows right now. One way to counter this is to use a set of mods to change the enemies to make the game more challenging. In case anyone wants to know, this is my mod list, and it's being used on "Hard" difficulty:

Claw - PowerArmorTraining.esp
WRWC - Classic Fallout.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns-TarrantBrokenSteel.esp

An explanation on some of them:

WRWC - Classic Fallout.esp <- force-disarms your weapon back into your inventory depending on what type of weapon you have and how many arms are crippled.

Claw - PowerArmorTraining.esp <- changes the Power Armor Training deal so that it does something different, and you get to wear power armor without kissing the Brotherhood of Steel's ass. I always felt it was so retarded that those buffoons had to what, TRAIN YOU, to wear armor? Bah.


These 3 fix visual and lore problems with the game, as I see it.

Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp
Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns-TarrantBrokenSteel.esp

These three are difficulty-increasers and are the whole of the "Foes Reworked Next Generation" mod.

If you downloaded Phalanx prior to September 29:

A new version of FO3MasterUpdate is out that is needed by Phalanx's Broken Steel Integration module. A link where I host it (with Elminster's permission) is here: http://http// and Elminster will be releasing the official update within the next few days.

The way to use this update is to first FO3MasterRestore your files, and then re-do your FO3MasterUpdate on them.

The old version of Fo3MasterUpdate will cause the scene when you are leaving Adams Air Force Base to fail.

This has been updated to version 1.02.

What's new -

2 days after you get that player-owned base, you get to face an extremely dangerous, obscenely overpowered, inhuman enemy. It's about as bad as needing to kill Liberty Prime, except that Prime is, actually, invulnerable, and this thing is not. A few classes, and one perk, allow a free ride in terms of handling it. If you ain't one of those, be ready for a wild ride. Or, kill it from the console if you really hate it.

You can kinda expect to die a few times, unless your character is one of the classes that trumps it easily.

If you forget to FO3MasterUpdate, it may not work properly and could stand there, unable to run around. That's not the intended fight =p

And, some bugfixes.
This has been updated to version 1.03.

Differences being:

- PointLookout-Integration now has a player-ownable "camp site" - look for the map marker when you get there, it's near the shoreline.

- Followers-Stim-You behavior has had major fixes made

- Retreat group-command is stronger

- Deisha's individual dismiss command within the player-ownable base is fixed

- The run into and out of the player-owned base is shorter.

- probably a few other things I can't remember right now.
This has been updated to version 1.04.

Changes for 1.04:

-- The Fallout3.exe glitch that was occasionally causing followers to be unable to equip any weapons, often showing 2 of that weapon in the inventory at the time, has been mostly mitigated. You should virtually never see that happen, now.

-- In the prior version (1.03), the "retreat" command was being heavily impacted by the above glitch. Functionally, this release's "retreat" command is a repaired version of 1.03's.

-- In the first Phalanx quest, the second-occuring fight with the Enclave has been made a bit easier.

-- Follower distance-based weapon selection system change: Flamer-type weapons are now handled differently. Followers who have big guns skill are likely to use flamer-type weapons in 2 ranges instead of 1. I had to do this because I've now seen that there is native AI that prevents a follower from using a flamer if he thinks it's going to injure teammates, although this AI seems to get it right about half of the time. Under the old handling, it was possible to see a Big-Guns specialist follower (Jericho in particular) take out his melee weapon when he was supposed to be on the flamer. That won't happen under the new handling unless the only weapon the follower has is a flamer.

-- Notes on Gary updated to reflect the player-obtainable base and the flamer-related changes to the weapon selection system.
This has been updated to 1.06. The changes between 1.04 and 1.06 are:

Fawkes changes:

When you do an inspection on Fawkes, you can now see that there is something special about his unarmed abilities.

Fawkes' unarmed performance is changed slightly. When he first begins to fight unarmed, his first punch in the fight will tend to be naaaaasty. I may do some more tuning on his unarmed fights before releasing, we'll see.

In the scene where Fawkes escorts you to get the GECK, he is on a roll. He does not need help from you to kill everything and anything in his path. This is how this scene has always gone in my own games, but I've since learned that some mods were making this not work the way I wanted.

Fawkes can now help cause Fingers/Ears to drop on appropriate enemy corpses if you have Contract/Lawbringer perk.

"Come Get Your Ammo" group command has had its annoyance factor reduced by 100%.

Weapons are no longer added to the player instead of the follower when followers are first hired.

Followers are now positively using the Followers-specific combat style that Bethesda had made for them. I do not believe they were before.

Which 'training' options are available for those trainable-followers has been redesigned. You have the option to retrain them when you load this version of the mod (you can also tell them to keep their current skillset, of course).

The new skill classes (and which followers can train onto them) are:


1) Super-specialist categories: the follower has ONE focus skill.

Energy Weapon Specialist: available to Charon, Malcolm, Clover, Deisha.
Small Guns Specialist: available to Charon, Malcolm.
Melee Specialist with small guns subspeciality: available to Butch

The + to this is that they get a really high critical chance.

2) All three main weapon skills - Energy Weaps. Big Guns. Small Guns.
No followers are trainable onto this.
Fawkes and Star Paladin Cross carry it naturally, but Fawkes will only use Assault Rifle classes of small guns.

3) 2-main-weapon-skill categories.

Explosives and Sneak do not count as "main" weapon skills.

2-weapon-cats that do not include Melee: Clover, Deisha
2-weapon-cats that do not include Big Guns: Charon, Malcolm
2-weapon-cats that always include melee but do not include Big Guns: Butch

Butch is now a special case. He no longer carries any unarmed skill, and if you put him onto that melee-specialist class, he is very impressive with a Super Sledge.


Phalanx now contains tiny modifications to the intended-unplayable items that were duping in the case of mod conflicts. This should cause Phalanx to override the conflicting mods on these items and make the duping stop.

The necessary reset-of-followers the first time Phalanx is loaded now happens automatically, and the player is not prompted about it.

The old, "assigneable" weapons from the ancient, very first version of the weapon selection system no longer exist in the .esp.

There is a new option on Gary to help players who may in the future load FOOK 2 version 1.1 which is expected to have Phalanx merged into it. A merged version of Phalanx is by nature not savegame compatible with a standalone one, and that's what Gary would help with.

Some messageboxes have been removed, and some have been reworded, and the timing on some have changed.

The "Leader's Sense" perk has been removed. The function of that perk now happens automatically. I think the perk may have been broken for a while for new Phalanx users.

If you hire Malcolm and try to take him out of Megaton for the Wasteland Survival Guide quests, and you don't give him any stims, he stops you and asks for some.

Phalanx now has a gigantic slew of loading screen hints and tips all about... you guessed it ... followers!

The in-combat medical menu on followers should move a bit more quickly between windows while stimming followers.
Psyckosama said:
Question, think you could make a version that incorperates the Sydney mod?

Well... be aware that incorporating someone else's stand-alone follower is almost much work as me making an all-new one.

But the answer is that I don't know and I'd have to do some work to check. I don't know if Sydney has enough follower-dialogue to go in as a voiced Phalanx follower. Even if she has enough dialogue to cover being a temporary follower, or even enough to satisfy what the Sydney Follower mod needed, Phalanx has broader dialogue requirements. If she doesn't, it's still possible but it requires a new voice actress to voice the new lines (if that's even acceptable for the character).

Realistically, I would do my own Sydney Follower sort of deal if I was to do such a thing. Having someone else's mod as a base would slow me down, all things considered.

On what would be the next question - could I plan to do that sometime - I donno. There's a whole bunch of other stuff coming up for Phalanx that I have been working on. Adding an additional follower is hard, takes a while, and is overall a pain in the ass. Will have to see as things progress.
Until there is a Zeta compatibility module, you should make Phalanx-specific followers
(Malcolm, Deisha, K-9) wait or be dismissed before beginning this DLC's content.
Hi, I've just run into a strange problem with your mod.

I have just hired Malcolm, went through the conversation then he follows me. But he won't follow me out of Megaton and also if I speak to him, the only option is 'I have to go' then he walks off on his own.

I have K-9 and have not seen any problems with him, all the group orders ect are all there.

The debug guy outside megaton, I forget his name, tells me there are no conflicts with the mod.

Hope you can help, cheers.


Using the Debug character outside of Megaton, I was able to get malcolm to follow me for a while. But the second time I speak to him, the same thing happens, and he wanders off to Megaton.
nad02s said:
Hi, I've just run into a strange problem with your mod.

I have just hired Malcolm, went through the conversation then he follows me. But he won't follow me out of Megaton and also if I speak to him, the only option is 'I have to go' then he walks off on his own.

I have K-9 and have not seen any problems with him, all the group orders ect are all there.

The debug guy outside megaton, I forget his name, tells me there are no conflicts with the mod.

Hope you can help, cheers.


Using the Debug character outside of Megaton, I was able to get malcolm to follow me for a while. But the second time I speak to him, the same thing happens, and he wanders off to Megaton.

This sounds like a couple of things might have happened.

You never used any commands related to Sharing&Caring Companions on him, right? That'll break Phalanx followers if done, but otherwise the mod is compatible.

You may have a corrupted download. Try downloading it again - if you used the regular install link, try this one instead: or this one: . Overwrite files with what's in there. Then, try Malcolm's hire again, and see if it sticks.

Let me know . .
Hi, a little update on the problem.

After much messing about Malcolm actually began to follow me, even though in that save I hadn't requested it, but that was no problem he followed like a regular companion, and all the commands were working nicely.

Then I told my followers to wait in the Tenpenny suite, when I returned Malcolm was missing.

Using the Debug character, I reset malcolm but now when I speak to him I get no dialogue, all he says is ' ' then wanders off and disappears.

The Phalanx commands are working nicely for all my other followers.
The followers are still pretty stupid though, they still waste lots of expensive ammo attacking Bloat Flies, molerats ect.

I have been using the full version from the FO3Nexus, I will download the smaller version and try that out then.
Also, I don't have that Sharing&Caring mod.

I am using Fook2+all addons, FWE, WMK, MMM and quite a few others.
AFAIK the only one that affects followers is FOOK2 or FWE, one of them has a follower mod in them. However, Phalanx is loaded after both of these, in fact Phalanx is right down the bottom of my load order.


I added the smaller version and reset Malcolm. He appeared to be working for a while, he let me check his skills and his inventory, then I said the command 'Lets go everyone' or whatever it is and then he just wandered off again.

Again there is now no dialogue when I try to speak to him, he wanders off the teleports off somewhere.

Hope we can get to the bottom of this. Cheers.
nad02s said:
Hi, a little update on the problem.

After much messing about Malcolm actually began to follow me, even though in that save I hadn't requested it, but that was no problem he followed like a regular companion, and all the commands were working nicely.

Then I told my followers to wait in the Tenpenny suite, when I returned Malcolm was missing.

Using the Debug character, I reset malcolm but now when I speak to him I get no dialogue, all he says is ' ' then wanders off and disappears.

The Phalanx commands are working nicely for all my other followers.
The followers are still pretty stupid though, they still waste lots of expensive ammo attacking Bloat Flies, molerats ect.

I have been using the full version from the FO3Nexus, I will download the smaller version and try that out then.
Also, I don't have that Sharing&Caring mod.

I am using Fook2+all addons, FWE, WMK, MMM and quite a few others.
AFAIK the only one that affects followers is FOOK2 or FWE, one of them has a follower mod in them. However, Phalanx is loaded after both of these, in fact Phalanx is right down the bottom of my load order.


I added the smaller version and reset Malcolm. He appeared to be working for a while, he let me check his skills and his inventory, then I said the command 'Lets go everyone' or whatever it is and then he just wandered off again.

Again there is now no dialogue when I try to speak to him, he wanders off the teleports off somewhere.

Hope we can get to the bottom of this. Cheers.

Darn.. I wonder why this thing is happening to your game. Usually if a problem like this develops, it's a problem with a formlist that also impacts K-9 and Deisha in an identical way. Malcolm tends to be impervious to the other sorts of things that mod conflicts can cause, because his packages and variables are not able to be accessed by other mods.

Loading Phalanx near or at the bottom of the load list (which you've already done) will tend to resolve these sorts of problems,.

I'm wondering if we've got a corruption on Malcolm's script definition, somehow. I suggest trying this. With your current mods set up as they are now, go back to an earlier savegame from before when Phalanx had been loaded, and let your current load order and files work on that basically clean save. Hire Malcolm fresh like that.

For cases like this, I really feel like making a function on Gary to cause a dump of all follower quest and object variables to the warnings.txt file so that people can send it all to me and I can get a picture of what's really going on. :/