First time out of the vault

Hi all 
I'm working on a Fallout 3 Savegame Manager similar to my Oblivion Savegame Manager (OSgM). It's simple and not very popular (that wasn't my intention anyway), but it does the job.
Because FO 3's savegame system is pretty much the same as Oblivion's, it's easy to modify OSgM. The only problem is the Savegame file reader which I didn't create myself (Oblivion Save File API, by mpuonti). I had to update the api in order to let it read savegames from the latest Oblivion version, so I'm quite familiar with the source code of it.
To create something like that for FO3, I'm looking into the differences between Fallout 3's savegame format and Oblivion's. I've created a page on the FO3Modding wiki where I'll post my findings: Please post your 'discoveries' about the format on that page too
Anyway, the FO3 Save File API can already read out the character's ingame name, so I'm on the right track. Once the API is done, I'll continue on the Savegame Manager. II'll keep you posted

I'm working on a Fallout 3 Savegame Manager similar to my Oblivion Savegame Manager (OSgM). It's simple and not very popular (that wasn't my intention anyway), but it does the job.
Because FO 3's savegame system is pretty much the same as Oblivion's, it's easy to modify OSgM. The only problem is the Savegame file reader which I didn't create myself (Oblivion Save File API, by mpuonti). I had to update the api in order to let it read savegames from the latest Oblivion version, so I'm quite familiar with the source code of it.
To create something like that for FO3, I'm looking into the differences between Fallout 3's savegame format and Oblivion's. I've created a page on the FO3Modding wiki where I'll post my findings: Please post your 'discoveries' about the format on that page too

Anyway, the FO3 Save File API can already read out the character's ingame name, so I'm on the right track. Once the API is done, I'll continue on the Savegame Manager. II'll keep you posted