FOnline 2238 - My story.


Still Mildly Glowing
Guys, gals, hear me now.

I starting playing FOnline 4 days ago because I was curious to see what it was like. I had never heard of it before and though I would give it a try. Right now I am going to write up a brief summery of my game experiance after 4 days of play.

My goal is to inform more people of what this game is like, so if you already know exactly what its like you can stop reading now if you like, or if you a curious read on. :) Also keep in mind, this is an open beta MMO at the moment. It is buggy in places and many things are not finish yet.

Another thing to note is somthing I didnt know at first: This is not Fallout. It is different, most noticeable is that you have a choice between "turn based" or "Real Time" combat. Real time is fixed on major locations to save from having very long tiresome battles. But there are many other things which are differnt as well...

Ok so, to begin.

I load up the game, run the built in updated and hit play. First thing I have to do on the main menu is "Register" my new character.

This button takes me to the character creation page just like in F2. You pick a name, a password age, SPECIAL etc... I had no idea what I was doing so I tried to make as close to my F1 / 2 favorite play through character as possible. A small guns sniper with good ST, PE and AG. Small guns, Lockpick and Energy weapons tagged.

I accept and into the game I go. The first thing that happened is I spawned in a random town. The Hub was my first one I think. This only happens the first time you make a char. When you die there are 20 or so random places all over the map, but for your first time you spawn in a city.

I was excited to beging looting and leveling so I ran into the town. The first thing I noticed is that the town is not split into as many peices as in F1. Its almost 1 big map.

I could find no one who wanted to talk to me about giving me work (later I found out 1CH doesnt help). So I decided to head out into the wastes and try to loot a random city / place. This is the world map:

I was exstatic! F1 and F2 world map combined! Think of the possibliites I though. So off I went exploring on my own.

I did explore a few places, the millitary base for one, and NCR (which is 1 big level now). I talked to the Cabbot on the gate of BOS trying to sign up. He told me to sign up I would need to bring 15 AP rockets to him. This was new and cool. Perhaps the rockets are in the glow like before? I thought. Off I went to the glow, running away from every encounter as I had no weapons or armour.

I get to the glow. "You have recived a large dose of radiation." Somone has already been here, the girder has a rope on it already. So I run over and climb down the rope. I think I got about as far as the room where usually the dead power armour guy is. Then I melted. Yes melted. The radiation in the glow is MUCH more lethal now.

A few more attempts trying to loot places for items failed, I always found placed empty and deserted, no items in them. There were many other players in NCR trading all sorts of goods but I had nothing to my name to trade with.

Finally I reached Modoc, in search of quests I think. Upon entering Modoc in my vault suit I was greeted by 8 or so super mutants standing just inside the entrace grid. They all had rocket launchers - it didnt end well for me. In a few seconds I was blown to peices.

I was pissed at the game this time. I was getting no where and had been playing for an hour or so without picked up a single item or doing 1 point of damage. I was close to uninstalling the game thinking it was broken or rubbish when somone linked me to this;

"A begginners guide to FOnline"

The first thing I noticed in the article was "crafting" All over the place you can find Flint and junk. This lets you make basic tools, with these you can chop wood and make more tools to mine metal and minerals etc. I loved the idea and read onwards...

... Searching the Wiki and chatting on the IRC channel I found out that (nearly) all items in the game can be created! And you can pick a profession: Small guns crafter, Armour crafter, Explosives expert etc.

This was brilliant! Straight away I researched Small guns crafting and made a new player - one who was more suited to building things with less PE and EN and more IN. Around about this point I got hooked up with a guy who took me under his wing. His name is Marko and he took me from being a dribbling noob to friednly with one of the biggest clans in the game. I learned so much from him that I couldnt possibly write it all here. Now I have a high level (nearly max) sniper character and this is what I know of the game world so far:

There are 2 main factions in FOnline.

NA - Northern Alliance, the good guys. They are many small clans which work together for the greater good. They include gppd guys who kill slavers and raiders.

DMC: Dead Masters Crew: These are considered the 'bad guys' They are a very powerful faction, the most powerful so far. Many of their members are slavers or raiders. These are the guys I got friendly with. (So friendly we even went of a slaving spree capturing little girls from random encounters! but thats another story).

These two factions are at a state of total war. Shoot on sight. Currently DMC controls most of the big towns in the north of the map. Many of the southern towns have NPC guards and cannot be captured, but some towns (modoc, Broken hills, the den) can be captured with a timer. Holding a town gives your team an income of Caps.

DMC are infamous for their brutal use of barbarian tactics and their ample supply of Super Mutant Mercinaries which they maintain a strong force of. Most famously they crushed a strong NA defense of Klamouth with an assult force including around 50+ Super mutants (epid battle).

The big clans have whole networks of bases and outposts - locations bought and deployed anywhere you like on the world map, invisible to any who are not lead to the base by an existing member.

NA have their bases and industry, scores of craftsmen making weapons for the fighters, outposts hidden near the major points of conflict, DMC have their own bases and industry. Its carnage.

Having fought in only 1 major battle I dont have much experiance but I can tell you this: I had a sniper rifle and VERY good aim and range. All I knew when the battle was over is that many of my comrades were dead, including my master and the Clan leader. I was alive, almost unscrated and in disbelife of how bloody and chaotic the battle had been. I knew only one thing about how well I had fought: 5 of my 6 shot magazing had been used. So I had fired my weapon, I dont know if I killed anyone (thinking back I should have checked my XP before and after) or even if I hit anyone (its 99% certain, with my skill, I did hit every time).

Amazing fun. Totally amazing fun. But there is just 1 thing wrong with FOnline IMO:

30% of the player base is either Russian or Polish! We need more UK and USA players! I can't beging to tell you how cool it is, but more importantly, very soon the whole sever will be wiped (all character gone, all clans factions etc.) and 3D van buren models will be added.

Its all to play at the moment. There are (estimated) about 3 days left before the wipe and all the new content gets added in.

On a last note, I would like to link you to an AMAZING video made by one of the members of NA (Northern Alliance), he is a very skilled artist and the video is awesome. This should give you some idea of how rough and tough the game world is. There is only 1 thing you will get for free in the wasteland: Being Shot.
I can for one say that we don't need more players from the US and the UK. Maybe we need more English-speaking players, but that's something different than what you said, maybe what you intended.

I just hope not many pay heed to your little propaganda, or we might flood the new server too =/
Hausen said:
I can for one say that we don't need more players from the US and the UK. Maybe we need more English-speaking players, but that's something different than what you said, maybe what you intended.

I just hope not many pay heed to your little propaganda, or we might flood the new server too =/

Why would it be bad to get new players from the US and the UK? I doubt everyone would want it to turn into a big Eastern European Sausage Fest.
It depends. Although I do shudder at the thought of hundred burger-eating American 13-year-olds invading the servers and trashing it up with drama and l33tspeak.
Ausdoerrt said:
It depends. Although I do shudder at the thought of hundred burger-eating American 13-year-olds invading the servers and trashing it up with drama and l33tspeak.
And those are different than any other 13-year-olds around the world?
I don't play many MMOs, but out of those I did, the US servers had the worst communities. Maybe just bad luck.
Ausdoerrt said:
It depends. Although I do shudder at the thought of hundred burger-eating American 13-year-olds invading the servers and trashing it up with drama and l33tspeak.

Europeans trashing Americans with tired stereotypes? How original.

What makes you think 13 year olds are even aware of Fallout/2 beyond that they're 'those old games' that came before F3? Let alone FOnline.

Ausdoerrt said:
I don't play many MMOs, but out of those I did, the US servers had the worst communities. Maybe just bad luck.

The communities for all mainstream MMOs suck. The same goes for any big multiplayer game. Nationality has nothing to do with it.
Wow. I thought this was still in the beta or even alpha stage. Your story made me really excited about the game. Keep us updated about the new content! Preferably with screenshots. Could be the first MMO I want to play. Is it possible to survive with a non-combat character though?
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Europeans trashing Americans with tired stereotypes? How original.

I feel like I'm Americanized enough to allow myself such statements.

What makes you think 13 year olds are even aware of Fallout/2 beyond that they're 'those old games' that came before F3? Let alone FOnline.

Good point. You do realize that my use of "13 y.o." was a "tired stereotype" and not an actual reference to age, right?

The communities for all mainstream MMOs suck. The same goes for any big multiplayer game. Nationality has nothing to do with it.

Like I said, my experiences say otherwise. I may have a wrong impression, or be onto something.
victor said:
Wow. I thought this was still in the beta or even alpha stage. Your story made me really excited about the game. Keep us updated about the new content! Preferably with screenshots. Could be the first MMO I want to play. Is it possible to survive with a non-combat character though?

It is in the beta stage - its Open Beta. so anyone can play so long as you have any copy of Fallout 2 installed on your PC.

Actually its possible to flourish with a non combat character. If you build a "crafter" class, you can be rolling in money and equiptment, even have your own base and trade network. With all the money and allies you make (selling guns to smaller clans for example) you can be pretty srong. Also if you are weak you can hire Mercinaries to protect you for money. I believe Super Mutants (400 HP) with rocket launchers cost about 15k caps each to buy.

Thats the tought choice you see, good fighters usually arnt very good at building guns they need, so have little and are dependant upon crafters, and good crafters might have all the guns and armour in the world but not quite the best combat skills to use them.

Yes the game is amazing IMO. The work the team have done on it is spectacular and they are working hard to bring us 3D content in the comming week (we hope).

Here is a small (old) preview of what the 3D content will be like with models taken straight from the orignal Van Buren Team works.

Also, I can say that because of how grim and unforgiving the wasteland is, the community is actually very healthy. Unlike in most MMOs when people will be happy to help you all over, in FOnline it REALLY means somthing if somone is willing to help you. Being "bad" isnt just a different look either like in WoW. You can actually be very evil to the NPCs and Other players.

For example: I was on a slaving run where a group of us were searching for random encounters with "Band of Farmers" or "homeless" in them in the area around Klamouth / Den.

Once one of us would find such an encounter he would pop out the radio and send out a beacon signal. This would let everyone else on the same frequency can see your encuonter and come and help you. When the gang turned up we would turn on the NPCs. Killing men, women, dogs, but leaving the little girls and boys. The little girls would try to fight you, they would run up and start kicking you (1 damage at best, maybe 2/3 damage with a critical lol).

Then we would all put our guns away and KICK the little girls unconsious. Once she was down, our Slaver boss (a player who has joined the slavers) would walk over and tie her up with rope (literally, Use Rope on Little Girl).

At that point, the little girl was his. Much like having companions in F2 but with more commands. Once this was achived, one of use would First Aid the little girl back to full health. Maybe doctor her if she was crippled from being kicked in by 4/5 people.

Then the little girl would go back to our base. We collected 10 or so I think, equipt them with grenades and sent them into battle. - Now how evil is that? :D

This is just one thing you can do in Fallout Online. It does take getting used to, and you do usually need help but once you get off the ground you can really do what you like.

On the flip side, if you want to be good you can defend said civvies in random encounters or hunt people like us who were enslaving them :) hehe. There are quite a few things you can do to be good. For example set up a player run "noob help" guild or some such, which as of yet doesnt exist.

Anyway, the community is small at the moment but very strong. Mostly split into the various factions and each with their own agenda. Anyone who is english speaking and has a microphone / Team Speak please join. Currently the russians are winning! :)
Bal-Sagoth said:
Hausen said:
I can for one say that we don't need more players from the US and the UK. Maybe we need more English-speaking players, but that's something different than what you said, maybe what you intended.

I just hope not many pay heed to your little propaganda, or we might flood the new server too =/

Why would it be bad to get new players from the US and the UK? I doubt everyone would want it to turn into a big Eastern European Sausage Fest.

In all fairness I'm not against more players from the US and the UK. I don't care where new players come from, as long as they speak decent English (something that is lacking even in American and British playerbases elsewhere) it's ok for me. My intent was pointing out that there are other English-speaking player communities outside of the UK and the US. I just hate the cyrillic-named characters, you can't even figure out how to call that person.

The game is open beta. For news and screenies, visit: