FOnline soundtrack available


Vault Consort
Staff member
FOnline newsbits seem to be popular despite a lamentable shortage of lizards and whatnot, so no doubt many will be happy to learn that the soundtrack to FOnline: The Life After can be listened to or downloaded in its entirety. Some of it is very Fallouty, other tracks are more bombastic or metalish, but it's all suitably post-apocalyptic and professional and an excellent showcase for composer Alexandr Bulgarov a.k.a. Xcentric Noizz.
Hmmmm, excellent. I think I'll hear this and the alternate FO3 track when playing FOnline. I love ambiental music!

Also, there ins't a lack of lizards. You should've seen how much Golden Geckos I punched to death in the desert. Hint: Don't be cocky.
Nice newspost.

FOnline: 2238 will be using original FO1/2 themes, but you can always switch to FOnline: The Life After and enjoy the soundtrack melodies.
Goweigus said:
Great stuff! I hope the registration opens up soon, I really want to get in on it this year!
Registration will be probaly held in the beta day, just like last time. Everything automatically, so you no need to worry 'bout some mailing and stuff. Correct me if I'm wrong and anything changed.

*Cheetah pawstep.*