FOR SALE/TRADE/ETC: WL2 standard & Collector's Edition


Creator of Fallout Fixt
I would prefer to get money for them, but would consider a trade depending on what is being offered in trade. These items are in "Like New" condition. Collector's Edition is #3480.

Also, you'll get bags of bottle caps! :mrgreen: Standard comes with 3 bags & 20 caps, Collector's with 4 bags & 30 caps.

How much?

EDIT: I wonder why would you want to take your hands off this precious stuff. Why, Sduibek, WHY?
How much?

EDIT: I wonder why would you want to take your hands off this precious stuff. Why, Sduibek, WHY?

I already have a digital copy on GOG and on Steam. Plus, my computer's too sucky to play it and I won't have a faster computer any time soon. Thirdly, I've been in the process of reducing physical possessions since about 2010 and I just don't have the justification to keep these.

No idea on price, send me a PM :)

LOL, love the custom title, thank you. Good times.
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I'll have to think a bit more about it anyway. Just had some big bad news yesterday and I might not be able to afford money on games :(
Also, when I asked I forgot about the customs issues I talked about when you were giving out your Fallout copies, so it might be troublesome to get even if I'm able to afford it.
TL;DR: I'll probably wait for a few months (don't hold it for me if you get an offer) before deciding, to see how events unfold first.
Alright, that's cool. Doesn't seem like interest is very high, so these probably aren't going anywhere fast.