Forsake The Troops Guy Eviscerated

I don't believe what I just saw...
What an arse. I could have punched that fool. Maybe they should ship him out to frontline Iraq and see what he makes of it before molesting his troops. He makes me sick.
There you see what capitalism can do to you, all you think of is money instead of the common good. ;)
Holy shit.... I'd be fucking outraged if i wasnt so shure form looking at him that he has downs syndrome and his mother smoked crack during pregnancy...

Such.... ignorance... Fuck....

I especially loved the "us soldiers are poster children for retroactive abortions" hehe made me chuckle.. Then made me try and find the bastards home address..
Goddamn. Fox News is usually stupid but that guy is a fecking MORON. Where can I sign up Elissar?

*points at signature*
I agree the guy is a dope, but I think the bigger mistake was getting on Hannity's show where he doesn't have a chance to get a word in.

But this might be symptomatic of a bigger problem- the longer this war goes on, and the more it costs, the more people are going to be disillusioned.

Right now a lot of Americans are getting into an "ignore the war" mode- they don't want to hear about it every day because perhaps they feel "ignorance is bliss." But the more the war goes on, and they hear about bad shit happening in Iraq (torture, civilian killings) and the more they look around and see that things are not working well at home (because Bush favors economic distribution that favors the rich over the poor) than you are going to get more resentment.

That resentment will be channelled and the extreme form will come out, probably, in protest against the troops. We've seen it already on this board where people have called those who go off to fight in Iraq morons.

Unfair, shit yeah. A lot of the guys who joined in large numbers went to fight the guys who hit us on 9/11, not to be fighting in Iraq. Now the military is having a harder time to fill recruitment quotas.

The longer this war goes, the worse this is going to get.
Unfortuneately though, as it stands right now, thie is no way to end this quickly and not totally destroy everything we are working to build in iraq and afganistan.

If we pull out now, insurgents would quickly fill the power vaccum and both countries would be far worse off now then they were. So, we have to stay.
Elli, I agree that we should see this through. The problem is whether we are doing the right way or whether the problems in Iraq can't be fixed. I am not sure about whether the current administration can do it.

But to have assumed that this would be a short war was short-sighted. The US is going to be there for a long time.

And this is an ugly war, a war of attrition and guerrillas, of terrorist strikes and fear. It's hard on the guys fighting it and it's hard on the people back home.
Elissar said:
Unfortuneately though, as it stands right now, thie is no way to end this quickly and not totally destroy everything we are working to build in iraq and afganistan.

If we pull out now, insurgents would quickly fill the power vaccum and both countries would be far worse off now then they were. So, we have to stay.

That is exactly the problem. We have the Secretary of the Real Poster Children for Retroactive Abortions saying this:

"We are not going to have to ... shoulder this burden until the day that the last moment of violence is over in Iraq. The Iraqis will have to do that. But we can leave them a firm foundation for a better future, and I think we can do that in a relatively quick period of time," Rice told CNN.

This, plus suddenly pulling Bin Laden out from their ass (shhh, don't tell that we know where he is, it's a seekret!). I think they are hoping to wrap this up neatly since it seems the hot air has left the whole "War on Terror" balloon. Nobody really seems to give a rat's ass about what terror color alert it is at now, nobody is giving a shit about Freedom Fries anymore. I think this is the stage where they are still trying to push out the spin, but also try to cover their asses enough until they are out of office. The last thing they need is a new administration reading the pass-down and finding the still steaming lumps.
I don't think they have to wait that long. There has been that memo floating around that Bush "found" the evidence he needed to bring the war- suggesting that the motive of war was constructed.

Yes, best to forget all of this while you can. Only problem is that W has three more years of war to deal with.

Speaking of terror alerts- when was the last one? Gosh it seemed we were getting about one a week during election time. Curious? Or where the terrorists Republicans?
I <3

That fat asshole blocked every word he was trying to say.

- Oh and by the way, those 3 soldiers that 'died yesterday' in that movie.. that WAS their fault.. ~fin