Forza Motorsport 2, or My New Obsession


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I can tell in advance that I'm going to spend three hours futzing around with my suspension to gain a tenth of a second per lap at Sebring... and I'm going to love it. 8)
It'll be just as much fun taking on Enzo Ferrari drivers who have less skill than Eddie Griffin over Live with my finely tuned Porsche 911 Turbo, too. 8)
Console racing GOTY 2007, right here. It's going to make Gran Turismo look like Crusin' USA in comparison. 8)
Heh, I am also looking forward to getting my hands onto this game.

I only hope that the Australian release date isn't too long after the US release...
Getting this when it comes out. Been supporting the Forza franchise since it was still in porduction for Forza 1, I've been waiting to make a Cobalt SS into a rear-wheel drive beast with an LS1 from engine swaps.
So how is this game, for anyone who has it?

I have pre ordered off eBay, seeing the PAL version for Australia is coming out mid-June, and will be getting for less in mid-June :) . So what is your impression of it so far?
I played the demo. It was ok, liked the music, that's about it. They say you can customize the hell out of any car though but I already have GT4. Otherwise, maybe i'd get it.
Duckman said:
So how is this game, for anyone who has it?

I have pre ordered off eBay, seeing the PAL version for Australia is coming out mid-June, and will be getting for less in mid-June :) . So what is your impression of it so far?
It's easy for n00bs to understand, but it's so in-depth it's not even funny. Two thumbs up. I can't recommend this enough.
A must-buy if you have a 360, period. I got it, and even though they crunched engine swaps and drivetrain swaps together, it still satisfies me plenty. As I said, a must buy for a 360 owner.
Awesome. I have heard lots about it, and I am eagerly awaiting my preorder :)

I also noticed that many reviewers are noting poor graphics quality, and something to do with anti-aliasing. I haven't really seen too many screenshots that looked anything but amazing, so maybe someone could shed some light on this?

I guess these reviewers are doing their reviews based from top of the line HD TVs, which show up much more detail (or lack there of) than normal TVs, or LCD monitors (anything other than 1080i).
It's simple. The review sites were hoping for a game flush in bloom, with hyperrealistic graphics that blow all others away. The thing is, is that they're setting the bar way too high for the jump from last-gen to next-gen. But, of course, in my opinion, the game is graphically perfect for a racing simulator. It has no flaws. It feels like you're really speeding when you whip through chicanes at 80 miles per hour, reflections off the cars are beautiful, it blows Gran Turismo HD away, in my opinion.
Well, I just picked the game up yesterday, after it was finally sent from the guy on eBay. My first impression, whilst driving, was almost bitter. It seemed too "fake". I don't know what it was but it just seemed too look far too cartoony. Maybe it was my LCD PC monitor...

Anywho, after I got used to the look and feel, I genuinely love it. Nothing more to say.

It is brilliant!
After you look at the pictures you upload to the website, or watch the replay videos from a different angle, it doesn't look so fake anymore. :)
I have taken a few pics and videos, and I love them. I have to upload them won't I :P ?