FOT Online Campaign... It can be done without save game....

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K, here's how we do it in SFC (Starfleet Command) on StarLance. First you come up with a map of the galaxy (FOT = World Map). Then you set a starting point for the various forces. Different fleets (FOT = Clans) ally themselves with one another to strengthen their force. You create a time line, so, like, 10 years = 2 months or something to that effect. All fleet (FOT = Clan) leaders have control over the movement of their forces. They colonize planets (FOT = cities on the world map) and create Star bases (FOT = Cities) and home worlds, which in return, provides them with new materials to build with. This is all done manually of course... and leaders have access to the world map via web site. They plot a course (course and position is plotted on the web site map) and then when a battle is at hand, they set a time in which the opposing forces shall meet. Then, two (or more) forces meet at the designated time, fight, and the winner claims that quadrant and all materials within it. FOT could do something similar quite easily. Initially, the entire world map would be left un-explored, that way you have to explore it for yourself. This could be very fun if implemented properly. Also, you could (for funsies) create (using the FOT map editor) maps of Europe or Asia, etc. The map located at the web site would only be a world map and not a map generated using the FOT editor. Its function is to log the position, size and strength of all forces. Also, if a clan were along a mountain range when confronted, they could choose a map, which depicts mountainous terrain. The most important thing is communications... and Mplayer is a very friendly environment for this. You have a pager, which allows you to keep a list of your buddies and other goodies as well. Any ways, I’d like to see 1 site do this and 1 site only. And if done, i want it done properly... Not half assed. Any ways, in SFC2, Interplay is using a built-in campaign called "The Metaverse"... I think they should do something similar for FOT2.

"Emotions are like a pair of shades... They cause the world to seem darker than it really is"
RE: FOT Online Campaign... It can be done without save game.

You're comparing apples and orangatangs here.

SFC's Starlance campaigns aren't nearly as complex as an actual RPG campaign would be. For one, in SFC, you basically have a ship type and a few additional supplies(shuttles, missiles, marines, parts). That's a FAR cry from having a player character with six attributes, over a dozen skills, perks, experience, hitpoints, traits, cash, inventory, etc.
RE: FOT Online Campaign... It can be done without save game.

Ok, ummm, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. To do an online FOT campaign, all you would need is a world map, and people to play. Within each square the player could find cities, bases, wastes, etc. and it'd just be a matter of moving your forces around the map and claming squares for the most part. It has nothing to do with the stats of your NPC, etc. Within each city you could create a (on paper only) munitions factory, or something of the sort to supply your clan. Each square would hold some sort of a value, or none at all. Basically everything is done on paper, with the exception of the actual game play it's self; which would just be a matter of communicating with the opposing clan over Mplayer, setting a time to fight, then fighting it out.
RE: FOT Online Campaign... It can be done without save game.

What's the point of that? You couldn't actually advance a character like that, so you're back to square one.
RE: FOT Online Campaign... It can be done without save game.

It's not about advancing your character. It's about domination of the world map. What’s the point? Well, it'll give the multiple clans something to shoot for... it'd unite the members in each clan and make the every day online game play much more fun and productive. When SL used a similar campaign it had the above-mentioned effects on the players. I mean, having a campaign... even if it's not a very complicated one, is better than having none at all. If it's just a matter of winning battles without gaining prestige or anything of the sort, then people tend to loose interest quicker.