What is really bothering me is how random damage currently is. I've watched Marcus do ZERO damage, 5-10 turns in a row with a Minigun at point blank range to an unarmored, humanoid target - then all of a sudden do 600 HP of dmg to the same target he scored 0 dmg to for the past 10 turns. I've been wasted by some guys who have stood there, using about 10-20 rounds of the Flamer (for example) causing ZERO damage every single time, then all of a sudden, I get hit by the exact same enemy/weapon and I'm wasted by 100-200 hitpoints when the enemy just spent like 5-10 turns causing ZERO damage on me.
I don't know if it's a bug, but it's a bit unrealistic at times.
I don't know if it's a bug, but it's a bit unrealistic at times.