FPRP - San Fran Shopkeepers


First time out of the vault
I noticed that when I first arrived to San Fran, the shopkeeper on the right side of town were carrying all the high-end weaponry like the Vindicator, Gauss Rifle/Pistol etc. But now when I've come back, none of them are there. I've come back to San Fran often, and all they're restocking is ammo. Have they been altered at all?

You mean the shopkeeper on the LEFT side of town not the right? The guy on the right is the doctor and doesn't carry the high end goods.
Now if you hold up your hands with your thumbs pointing at each other the one that makes a capital 'L' is the left one....

You first hit san fran and on the left is a shop that has about 3 tables spread out in it, I think you can just click on each table to see the shops inventory (though I'm not 100% sure of that). you can keep going left through the back door and get to the BOS outpost.

Unless this has all changed in what ever mod you are playing of course.
Well, I'm not even going to try and argue with Per. I'll just say I was wrong and save a lot of time ;)
Each merchant has two tables of stuff, which stock different things. If you talk to them, they may only show you stuff from one table, so remember to search both to see everything they have.

The merchant with two tables on the tanker, and Duppo and Buster in NCR behave the same way. In FO1, Killian and the merchant in Adytum have multiple tables.