Frame Animator

Can't seem to download it, keeps going in circles...could you email it too me ?
Done, I have also included an English version of the readme file. But I only used an Online Russian to English converter so it doesnt make a lot of sense at times.

Anchorite from Team-X told me about it, but I dont think it's a Team-X program.

"Very similiar to 'FRM Workshop' but it include a few extra features like the ability to place the FRM over a Hex background and/or a BMP image such as a screen shot of FO2 to see how the critter will actually look in the game"
Frame Animator 2.5

Just to let the rest of you guys know Jochua has released a new version of Frame Animator.

Well actually he has released two new versions I just never got around to telling you guys about the last one ;)

I have uploaded it now and are jsut waiting for an Admin to approve it