Free Gamma World


Night Watchman
Staff member
Admin is selling, at a price of $0.00, the Player's Handbook for the post-apocalyptic role-playing game setting called Gamma World. The handbook itself is a PDF file, and it is to be used with d20 rule sets - you'll need a D20 Modern or D&D ed. 3.5 rulebook to play.

The GM's book unfortunately isn't free.

Spotted at Poltergeist
Thanks! I'm downloading it now.
This really takes me back. I remember playing some in high school and running a short campaign in college (before it was d20).

I found another game there called Moto-caust. Anyone heard of it?
Have the Game

Its a good game ,but some of the rules are not as well thought out as I might like. I also own the GM guide and I have to say that there just isn't a whole lot in it. You are missing almost nothing in not owning it. conside buying the out of the vaults source book instead.