Freedom Fighters

Hey Kumquat- I split this from the squad leader thread. Probably deserves its own discussion.

I think I have heard about it. More details?
I've played it through.

Pretty cool game, reminds me of a PC game based interpretion of the old "Red Dawn" movie, with Patrick Swayze.
Pretty cool game, reminds me of a PC game based interpretion of the old "Red Dawn" movie, with Patrick Swayze.

Yea! I love that!

It's pretty cool, decent (though predictable) story

It wasn't to bad.

Sweet, i was just about to ask about this game because i saw it at wal-mart for 20 bucks. I'll go pick it up now

O, its worthy of 20 bucks all right.

Anyone hear anything about a sequel?

I think I have heard about it. More details?

Waht you want to know? General stuff is at the website for it (see link)
I got the demo on my xbox, and I was so hooked on it! I played it so many times I got to not be hit once I knew the level so well!
But I can't seem to bloody well find the actual game anywhere!!! I live in the good old land of Australia, and I have scoured EBGames, Gaming Heaven, Target, Big W, Dick Smith, Harvey Norman, Clive Peters and Santa Klaus. Where did you get your copy?
I'm in the states, I ran across this game awhile ago, its an older game now...might be hard to find.

If no one comes up with any ideas, PM me. I'll see about sending you my copy, I won't be playing it again. Its hard enough to pick up new games nowadays.
You have a store in Aussy named, "Dick Smith?" Thats awesome!

Welcome to DICKS!

Mohrg :twisted:
Pfft, I don't bother going to ebay, I'm not even 15 yet(though that will change in 9 days), so I have no way of using ebay, apart from getting my dad to get an account, but I know he won't.
And yes, we have a store named Dick Smith electronics. Dick Smith is some rich Australian bloke who sells electronics and peanut butter and jam. And no, not jelly that you call jam, but jam.
JAM! YOU KNOW, SPREAD! You get it out of the jar with a knife, and spread it on something eadible! Bloody Americans and their peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. I actually tried one, and spent the rest of the day spewing and shitting my guts up.