Freezing issue


First time out of the vault
Hi everybody!

I just bought F3 (the collector with the little Vault Dweller ;-))... Everything went fine until the invasion of the Vault by those stupid critters.

As from this moment, my game started to freeze for unknown reasons (new soundtrack on the radio, a enemy appearing, opening a door...).

What I do not understand is that I should have a decent computer to make it run in 1280*960 full details (in summary, C2D E8400, 3Gb, Radeon 4850). I tried to lower resolution and details (down to 800*600 low), excluded Fallout 3 from KAV live scan... Nothing changed. I've also defrag my HDD...

I think I did everything I could. What's "funny" is that all the other games I have installed are running fine in 1680*1050 Full... By the way, I just wanna play F3 :(

I hope I have posted in the right section (otherwise: Mea maxima culpa) and I hope that someone would have at least a clue for this issue.

Thanks for reading, anyway ;-)
I had some freezing on Xbox, around Greyditch, also right at the end of the game, restarting seemed to fix it (on a 360)
Confalone said:
I had some freezing on Xbox, around Greyditch, also right at the end of the game, restarting seemed to fix it (on a 360)

Funny, I just blew up my xbox in protest when the game starting freezing in the same area. Ok, I didn't blow it up.
Rumor has it that there are problems specifically with the nVidia 8800 series cards, and that if you have those problems you can reduce the effect by turning off FSAA (I know, sad isn't it?) and running the program windowed.

Works for me. Mostly.
Hi at all, and thanks for the feedbacks. I already tried without AA.
Alt+Tab doesn't work in this case, I have to do ctrl-alt-del and launch the taskmanager if I want to unfreeze...

Also, it is happening all the time... Could it be due to the integrated sound card (just a thought as it seems to freeze when there are several sounds)?
I've been having similar freezing issues from day 1. Try running around with radio turned off.

Check my post on the Beth board, it contains quite some things to try.

I've also got the right hardware, tried 2 sound cards, tried resampling the OGG files that play radio, updated video drivers 2x, tried some codecs (but that won't work) - lots of shit going on, and lots of fan searching going on. Some things work for some people.
Hey! Thanks for pointing this thread! I was currently checking on Bethesda's forums, found a lot of "possible" solutions, tried some... but your thread is really summarizing what I got...

For info, I updated my F3 today, re-installed catalyst 8.10, removed radio (how sad! I really enjoyed it!) and... AND...

Frozen every 5-10 minutes... even sound in the Pipboy are leading my game to freeze... I removed FSAA and AF, removed HDR, lowered resolution and... still the same.

I think I'll buy a EMU20K-based sound card to try, at least, an Alchemy trick, to try to emulate a true DXSound environment.

(why did I buy Vista?!? :'( ) (nb: note that the F3 exe is always run with admin rights ;-))

BTW, I bookmark this thread, I'm pretty sure there'll be, at least, a part of the solution!

Many many many thanks!
No problemo, glad to help out - used to run a technical dept. , so I guess I'm used to these things. That, and I hate cluttered forums.

Those Beth forums are like a wasteland, with people scavenging for information ^_^

Seems like a lot of Belgians come to NMA, I wonder why. Not bad though, shows we have good taste!

Anyway, I made a new, better formatted thread here, and added your Alchemy remark. Thanks for that!
