Frying an Egg on the GeForce 9800 GX2 Graphics Card

I dunno why, but this seems fake. You can fry an egg on it after 5 seconds?? That's some serious heat.
heat the pan on your stove, then place it on the cooler and put the egg in. boring fake.
Remember that it doesn't take a lot of heat to boil an egg. But, yes, those babies get pretty hot.

EDIT: Also, moving to General Gaming and Hardware.
Ravager69 said:
I dunno why, but this seems fake. You can fry an egg on it after 5 seconds?? That's some serious heat.

In the description it says that the camera was accelerated and it actually took 15 minuts, iirc. Bt who knows, maybe it's indeed fake.
unlike CPUs, GPUs can survive temperatures higher than 120°c. many GPU fans won't even turn into higher CFM ranges until the core is about 80-90°c.

i don't know if this particular vid is fake or not, but i'm sure it's very possible to fry an egg if you put the pan on the heatsink or straight on the GPU.

it reminds me of the old days. i once fried an egg on an AMD CPU in the very early Socket A days. we then proceeded to extreme volt mod and overclock, after which the CPU melted through the socket and the motherboard (dropping onto the cast iron case and stopping there, obviously).
great fun, from yonder day, when thyne CPU had no thermal throttling or overheating protections.
Wooz said:
Sue said:
cast iron case

Did the Dwarves of middle earth forge it?

i suspect some underpaid chinks made it.

they're small too, if that counts.

where are the days that a computer case weighed a fuckton. :p
Cast iron seems a bit extreme.

Unless you're talking about Rhodean automatons.
It would be more expensive to make a cast iron case rather then a mild steel or tin one, considering cast iron is high carbon steel tempered at extreme temperatures to make the metal harder to withstand abrasion, shock, and flex.

It would make no sense to make a case out of cast iron.

It was probably just thicker steel...
probably got the engrish terminology wrong then. but anyway, the case covers in question could probably have been used to make a medieval frying pan or something.

never saw another heavy case like that in my life. weighed a metric fuckton. and it wasn't even scathed when the melting processor/motherboard dropped onto it.

since everything in the pc except the mobo, cpu, psu and hdd were prehistoric, i wouldn't be surprised if the case was pre-AT format.
Does'nt "egg whites"(?) start to harden at around 70 degrees Celsius? I could be way off, but I hope someone here knows.

In either case, it gave me some good giggles!