Future human-based mutant


Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?
In Fallout (as of know), we have Ghouls, Super Mutants, Centaurs, Psykers, Slags, Spore Carriers, Ghost People, and Swampfolk. Do you guys have any new ideas for human-based mutants in Fallout?
three titties

is mutant
total recall

also vagina face
Mutation shouldn't be fantasy races. Ghouls and Super-Mutants are unique cases. It should be chaotic and largely random. I'd like to see more random physical mutations though. If we were on a competent engine, it'd be cool for a bunch of NPCs you meet to have golf-ball sized lumps, scaly patches of discoloured skin, et cetera to mark random mutation. You could even have some extreme total-recall style shit where they look barely human in rare cases. Hunchbacks with a useless, protruding arm sticking out of their hump or a fucked up human-lamprey style mouth.

In terms of monsters, in my PnP campaign I had mutant mosquitos that were genetically engineered to deliver bioweapons (This was a thing the real life USA tried to do btw). The Mosquitos were the size of a medium sized dog roughly (due to radiation), and attached themselves to human hosts via the back. The human hosts would be pumped with a mutated strain of the bioweapon, making them into pale, bloated zombies with protruding glowing yellow stomachs and yellowed, bloodied eyes. The bioweapon fluid would effectively keep the zombies alive indefinitely, allowing the mosquitos to slowly feed off of the natural processes of the body, forming a symbiotic relationship with the mosquito firmly embedded into the spine/back of the zombie, who itself was being kept unnaturally alive without food or water via the bioweapon.

When exposed to open air, this bioweapon was highly acidic. As such, the zombies had the capability to effectively projectile vomit this material onto targets. If the Mosquito was killed, the zombie would only have hours to live without it. If the zombie was killed, the Mosquito would need to find a new host within a matter of days.
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Mutation shouldn't be fantasy races. Ghouls and Super-Mutants are unique cases. It should be chaotic and largely random. I'd like to see more random physical mutations though. If we were on a competent engine, it'd be cool for a bunch of NPCs you meet to have golf-ball sized lumps, scaly patches of discoloured skin, et cetera to mark random mutation. You could even have some extreme total-recall style shit where they look barely human in rare cases. Hunchbacks with a useless, protruding arm sticking out of their hump or a fucked up human-lamprey style mouth.

In terms of monsters, in my PnP campaign I had mutant mosquitos that were genetically engineered to deliver bioweapons (This was a thing the real life USA tried to do btw). The Mosquitos were the size of a medium sized dog roughly (due to radiation), and attached themselves to human hosts via the back. The human hosts would be pumped with a mutated strain of the bioweapon, making them into pale, bloated zombies with protruding glowing yellow stomachs and yellowed, bloodied eyes. The bioweapon fluid would effectively keep the zombies alive indefinitely, allowing the mosquitos to slowly feed off of the natural processes of the body, forming a symbiotic relationship with the mosquito firmly embedded into the spine/back of the zombie, who itself was being kept unnaturally alive without food or water via the bioweapon.

When exposed to open air, this bioweapon was highly acidic. As such, the zombies had the capability to effectively projectile vomit this material onto targets. If the Mosquito was killed, the zombie would only have hours to live without it. If the zombie was killed, the Mosquito would need to find a new host within a matter of days.
I actually prefer the fantasy race-style mutants
Mutation shouldn't be fantasy races. Ghouls and Super-Mutants are unique cases. It should be chaotic and largely random. I'd like to see more random physical mutations though. If we were on a competent engine, it'd be cool for a bunch of NPCs you meet to have golf-ball sized lumps, scaly patches of discoloured skin, et cetera to mark random mutation. You could even have some extreme total-recall style shit where they look barely human in rare cases. Hunchbacks with a useless, protruding arm sticking out of their hump or a fucked up human-lamprey style mouth.

In terms of monsters, in my PnP campaign I had mutant mosquitos that were genetically engineered to deliver bioweapons (This was a thing the real life USA tried to do btw). The Mosquitos were the size of a medium sized dog roughly (due to radiation), and attached themselves to human hosts via the back. The human hosts would be pumped with a mutated strain of the bioweapon, making them into pale, bloated zombies with protruding glowing yellow stomachs and yellowed, bloodied eyes. The bioweapon fluid would effectively keep the zombies alive indefinitely, allowing the mosquitos to slowly feed off of the natural processes of the body, forming a symbiotic relationship with the mosquito firmly embedded into the spine/back of the zombie, who itself was being kept unnaturally alive without food or water via the bioweapon.

When exposed to open air, this bioweapon was highly acidic. As such, the zombies had the capability to effectively projectile vomit this material onto targets. If the Mosquito was killed, the zombie would only have hours to live without it. If the zombie was killed, the Mosquito would need to find a new host within a matter of days.
It’s like the uncanny valley. Ghouls and Super mutants are far enough away from humans to be cool. Total Recall style stuff would just be creepy and disgusting
It’s like the uncanny valley. Ghouls and Super mutants are far enough away from humans to be cool. Total Recall style stuff would just be creepy and disgusting

That's the point. Mutations as a result of radiation shouldn't be whimsical and a gateway to medieval fantasy magic races.

Nuclear Fallout is bad, m'kay
That's the point. Mutations as a result of radiation shouldn't be whimsical and a gateway to medieval fantasy magic races.

Nuclear Fallout is bad, m'kay
Yeah but wouldn’t those radiation disabled people be super rare? Since they’d be less likely to survive in the Wasteland, wouldn’t normal humans be dominant.

Also, if yoI haven’t noticed, radiation in theFO-Universe is pretty whimsical
Yeah but wouldn’t those radiation disabled people be super rare? Since they’d be less likely to survive in the Wasteland, wouldn’t normal humans be dominant.

Also, if yoI haven’t noticed, radiation in theFO-Universe is pretty whimsical

No, radiation in the Fallout universe is exaggerated and fictionalized. Not whimsical. You can still have it be unrealistic and used to the effect of making irradiation and mutation more horrifying and chaotic. In real life radiation created defects are likely to be cancer or stillbirths, in Fallout they can be horrible misshapen arms or disgusting bulbous third eyes to viscerally disgust the audience and sustain the pulp-sci-fi vibe
No, radiation in the Fallout universe is exaggerated and fictionalized. Not whimsical. You can still have it be unrealistic and used to the effect of making irradiation and mutation more horrifying and chaotic. In real life radiation created defects are likely to be cancer or stillbirths, in Fallout they can be horrible misshapen arms or disgusting bulbous third eyes to viscerally disgust the audience and sustain the pulp-sci-fi vibe
True. Didnt radiation make some people short in the old games
Honestly, sky is the limit. Fallout needs more (non-sterile) mutants, pronto. Anti-Mutant Racism is kinda stupid if its just ghouls and Super Mutants, who are no threat to the human race in the long run.

Also you forgot the Beast Lords, who are pretty great. I would totally bring those guys back. Funfact: The Beast Lords were inspired by a movie and series called The Beastmaster, and that movie and series were inspired by a series of books from the 50s called The Beast Master or Hosteen Storm series by author Andre Norton (who is a woman btw, despite the name). Would love to give these guys more love.

One idea I ported from my own setting were the "Meta Mutants", who are pretty much the classic technicolor aliens of B-Movies, like Dejah Thoris. People with weird skin colors. I settled on green, grey, purple and yellow, partly because I want them to be able to use solar energy as a tertiary energy source.

Meta Mutation, in mechanical terms, is like gaining the Gifted perk (+7 stat points) + 1 extra stat point. It pretty much turns people into Captain America-style Peak Humans. Furthermore, Meta Mutation often gives random mutations. Like claws for hands, or Doomsday-style bone spurrs, a healing factor, deformations, etc. On the flip side, Meta Mutants generally use their superior physical ability to get by, so they're not as good as humans at cultivating their skills (they only get one tag at start, and a second at level 12, and no third). Also they tend to have extreme personalities - Chill guy or Stressed out neurotic, paladin of justice or puppy-kicking evil-doer, total idealistic or ultimate pragmatic, etc etc, its 8 or 80 with these guys.

Another idea I had were Biblical-style giants, which I called Refaim after the legendary giants. Mutations made them HUGE (Lanius would be a kid in their society, and Super Mutants would be average), and gave them tougher bones and hearts. My idea for them is that they are the classic "Strong but Slow" archeotype, and they grown slowly so that before maturity they're kind of 'tards (because their brain is mostly focusing on controlling their body at this point. Also, the whole "brains aren't bigger because of birthing canals issue"), but with age they become more intelligent.

However, being HUGE also means they have HUGE GUTS, and to feed those HUGE GUTS they need to eat a lot. So they generally stay around in small communities sparsed out from each other, generally putting the "little people" to work for them or helping in exchange for food, depending on their morality. The more savage ones eat the small people, the smarter ones work for them for food or rule over them.