
First time out of the vault
I've made a program now that'll create INI files for Jargo's FVP program. FVP is a virtual patcher that can be downloaded here: http://fmc.prv.pl/patch/fvp.zip

My INI Maker is basically a GUI that'll enable the following features with FVP :

- Change the starting map
- Change the Patch000.dat filename
- Set the start year, month, day
- Set the start male figure & female figure
- Set the default male figure & female figure
- Change the MOD Name (main menu)
- Disable the City Limit
- Disable movies
- Enable PIPboy from the start of the game

You can download my INI Maker here: http://www.spacetrain.com/FVPINIMaker.exe

This version should work fine with American 1,02 and UK 1.02
got some troubles downloading fvp, i tried several times and each of them, the file was corrupted or something else, but didn't want to open
One, most likely, final update for the time being here (until I can think of more to patch).

Okay, when you set a starting map to a random encounter map, and then go to the world map, you start above Arroyo, I haven't foun a cure for this yet, but how often are the mods going to begin on a random encounter map? A normal map however, will start the player above it. What I have donethough, is make it so you can set the start position of the view box on the world map (as this was still centering on Arroyo).

Download from the link in the first post
Could add the option to change what patch file to use?

-Choose patch-file (e.g. patch123.dat instead of patch000.dat)

This would be handy for mods as they wouldnt need to remove the patch000.dat fromt the fallout2 folder.

And what about starting time and 13 years limit? Can you add this features? And for your EXE pather, if you please.
@Andy-Spacetrain, Great work! But I have a request for you to add to the INI maker. Could you please add an option to change the Fallout2.cfg file? This would be another handy thing to change as then mods can have their own separate config file. This way it shouldnt interfer with original Fallout 2 games.

Also could you add support for the German version of the fallout2.exe? I would also ask for the french version to be added but FVP doesnt support it.
I'm working on a project for Fanout at the minute, so I'm not going to update for a little bit. I will add the German version in soon though. As for the other requests...You can set the name of the patch file under MOD DAT Name on the INI maker, set it to anythin you want (doesn't even need to be patchxxx.dat). You can already set the starting time (year, month and day). As for the 13 year limit...It's gonna be quite tricky that one, so I was just gonna leave it (13 years is enough for any MOD isn't it?) If not, I might try and add something in.
OK, what is the legalities of patching the EXE? Is it ok or not, someone said it was in the Fallout bible somewhere
OK, what is the legalities of patching the EXE? Is it ok or not, someone said it was in the Fallout bible somewhere
Using memory patch is 100% legal, no changes to files are made, and you can do in your computer memory what you want.

Only one who is breaking law is patch creator (not directly but he need to disassemble exe file to check how it works :wink: )

FVP checks fallout2.exe file size an read patch info from corresponding section in ini file. If french version fallout2.exe have different size(than US/UK/GER) then add new section to ini file witch file size as name and FVP will read it(see readme).
If not then sorry.