G.E.C.K. Questions


First time out of the vault
I was wondering how the GECK might be more user friendly than a program like the FOMM?

Will the GECK kinda be like an .ini file I can modify values such as gun damage, radition amount, hit points per level, etc.?

Will it be a simple all-in-one program I can click .exe and run and then 'open' the bsa files directly into it and edit them in less coding-intensive fashion.

I read the that GECK might be like the editor for Oblivion but what is the Oblivion editor like?

I was thinking it might be best to wait till the GECK is released shortly hereafter.

Also once the mod is created will it be much simpler to use it by simply drag/drop a master file or set of files into the Data folder for Fallout to use?
I imagine a black box with a silver name G.E.C.K. on it.
When you open it, the magical sprinkles will start flying on your screen.
And Todd Howard's voice in the deep darkness, after the screen fades to blackness, says "Welcome to the Garden Of Eden Creation Kit..."

Then suddenly, a big splash of light almost blinds your eyes! The images of all the technology of humanity: a bicycle, a blender, a refrigerator, and the greatest minds of human's civilization: Einstein, Darwin, Jesus! with the music composed by "Inon Zur and the Spooky Kids".

The images stopped showing, the screen is blank and all of the sudden...you see...the interface which looks exactly the same as from the Oblivion's Construction Set...
Public said:
The images stopped showing, the screen is blank and all of the sudden...you see...the interface which looks exactly the same as from the Oblivion's Construction Set...

And thats bad thing? most people used oblivion cs so it will speed up modding...i dont see anything wrong in it...

Honestly most of people dont care if games or software is good they just whine on big companys becouse they ale jealous and they are loosers...

Funny part is cs is not out yet and people cry like they already used it and arent happy with it its just sick...
gregor_y said:
Public said:
The images stopped showing, the screen is blank and all of the sudden...you see...the interface which looks exactly the same as from the Oblivion's Construction Set...

And thats bad thing? most people used oblivion cs so it will speed up modding...i dont see anything wrong in it...

Honestly most of people dont care if games or software is good they just whine on big companys becouse they ale jealous and they are loosers...

Funny part is cs is not out yet and people cry like they already used it and arent happy with it its just sick...

Did I say it's a bad thing?

Dude...I don't give a damn f*ck about GECK's look, because it's just a Construction Kit for moddings, not the game itself or a bran-new car.

I'm not whining I'm just making a joke you moron.
Public said:
No, you're being an idiot.

soon this thread will get closed probably

Fine im sorry...and sometimes idiot happens human thing :)

And if its closed who cares he got his answear geck will be similar to oblivion cs...still we might be wrong and it might be a lot better than cs from oblivion or worse :)
Thanks for the answers guys. I didn't know you guys were going to bicker but I assume its pre-existing to this thread so lets just leave it be.

Hopefully the modding will be easier when the GECK comes out and we can open the files, mod, and drop a single or set of files into our Data folder and play without some convoluted program like the FOMM or 7zip.