Gambling gunslinger (Fallout 2)


First time out of the vault
Hi, greets, etc.

Playing through Fallout 2 again recently and I want to try and create a character I never got around to making before - I never really got into the gambling skill very much and I'd like to try and make a "diplomat" type with high gambling and speech capabilities.

Basically I'm going for like a wasteland playboy who can smooth talk his way to success with all the ladies, become a porn star in Reno, and sling a revolver with the best of them when it's time for action.

Now I figure he needs fairly decent charisma, but as most of us know, pumping that too high is largely a waste, so I need to find that middle ground between wasted points and having enough charisma to pass various charm checks with female NPCs and ie; the Corsican brothers.

Other considerations: I'm thinking luck and agility, right? Anyway, any tips?

Short version is I want this playthrough to end up with my char picking up gambling related perks and all the traits like 'gigolo' and so on.

Formula from fallout wiki, basically you can became porn star after taking enough jet, buffout and mentats.
Charisma in Fallout 2 is most important for 2 things. Taking Miria as wife and becoming VC Captain, so I always doing it before taking implants and while having glasses in active slot, or again, you can always take some mentats.

If I would play like you, I will take something like this.
STR - Low, 4, 5 max
Perception - 5, for awareness, not more.
Endurance - Low (and it brings so challenge at least)
Charisma - 7 or 8. You will take +1 by shades and +1 by surgery. If you gonna take implants, you can take even more. Why so many? Well, considering you focus on it. ; p
Inteligence - 9
Agility - 10
Luck - rest there, no more than 8, because Hubologist can give you 2 more. And i thinks its pretty important, only stat that can't be raised by chems.

Checked in-game and with gifted it will be like:
5 5 2 8 9 10 8

For the second trait, I think it obvious, sex appeal.

If you want to play all game using pistols and revolvers, then you can resign for Gifted, take less strength and perception (for awareness take some drugs) and take One Hander, will be more for amtosphere.

As for perks, I don't see any unique for gambler (other than Gambler, but it only gives you some points for gambling, so it's useless). Just takes normal ones.
Ah, that's the only gambling perk? As I said I've never gone with the gambling skill before, so I was unaware of what the Gambler perk did. Sounds like kind of a waste.

I've also never been VC Captain before, this is new to me!! Thanks for the tips.
Gambling is overbalanced and unberbalanced at the same time
Having like 90% or 100% in gambling allow you to win infinite money... but anyone has problem with money in Fo2?

For example, in Arcanum you could always gamble for some items of specific character, which can't be bought... or you can even win a ship that way, in FO2 however, it just mean a lot, a thousands of NCR dollars.