Game Boxes...


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
I have a small problem. Whenever I buy a game, I keep the box in pristine condition in (one of several) drawers. My problem is, now I have run out of room. Which leads me to ask...

What does everyone do with their boxes? Do you keep them 'as is' (ie. not flattened out) still with everything inside (including purchase receipt)? Or am I just a lone fanatic?

To solve my problem, I am considering flattening the boxes out (I suppose it won't do any 'harm') but I just wanted to know what everyone else did.

Moooo.... Mooooo.... I'm an Interplay Cow.
I try to keep my boxes in as good condition as possible. Even the boxes for my copies of old adventure games like Manhunter 1&2, and Goldrush are in pristine condition. Unfortunately, my FO box was inadvertantly smashed, but I still have it.
maybe my age is going to show on yhis one, but it's a box.
I keep it a mandatory 30 days(wich is the time at takes my wife to nag me enough to clean my desk) and then i throw it out.

"I'm Ugly and I AM CANADIAN"