Game ending...(spoilers)


First time out of the vault
My wife just beat the game Fallout 2. after the ending gave the option to continue playing. but when I leave San Francisco, The tribal shaman tells me arroyo is dying or something then the game stops.

Is there anything to do after you beat the game. Is this the setting for Fallout 3 that was never made?
At the end of Fallout 2 you should be able to just tool around the FO2 world doing whatever you want. There are a few special things to do that only become available after you beat the game.

What you describe sounds like some kind of weird bug. You shouldn't be getting any of the Hakunin(sp?) visions after you beat the game, and you should be able to leave SF. Did you kill any of the villagers while at the Enclave? Did you have a G.E.C.K. when you left?