First time out of the vault

I've been playing FO2 off and on for like 4 years and I've never had this problem. I'll be like resting or traveling from town to town on the world map and when the game reaches a certain date, the game just ends. I get a screen with some destroyed buildings and in big words, like the game is mocking me, "THE END." There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, the game just ends. I'm really getting frustrated with this since I deleted my previous game when this happened the first time, started another one, and now it's doing it again. There's still alot of stuff I'd like to do in the game. I even went back a few saves before this started happening and destroyed the enclave to see if that would help, but no dice.I'm about to start smashing things. This is exactly why I quit playing Evercrack. If anyone could tell me a way to get around this or at least tell me why it's happening I'd really apreciate this. Please help me before I hurt myself or someone else.