Game wont allow me to view final movie/and map

Richard Fox

First time out of the vault
Guys i just finished fallout 2 for the first time, but why not before, well the game crashed and acted really buggy before, now i got a new rig /1 year ago/ and it works quit good.

And just before i kill the giant mutant, i got the error: "error cannot load/save game, then suddently all my saves are corurpt :roll: :twisted: :evil:

Luckily ive done a back up before, but after i viewed the final movie, evrything were very chopy i couldnt exactly make out what really happen. So could anyone tell me what ahappened after you finished the game, the final story. Or if someone, somehow could show me the whole movie?!??!?!

Not fun to cmplete a game, and then not be able to see final movie :(

BTW I DIDNT KNOW FALLOUT 1 and 2, didnt do well in the sales me they are great games (despite their dumb bugs) Even after patch i still recieves an error when i save sometimes or the game just locks up....

But i love them, very good games, same with the music...
I have the same problem with the choppy ending..luckily I played this game a lot in the past. But to answer your question, the ending depends on what quests you completed during the gameplay. e.g. Did you kill Metzeger or leave him to take over the Den?
ExpertExcrementExpeditor said:
I have the same problem with the choppy ending..luckily I played this game a lot in the past. But to answer your question, the ending depends on what quests you completed during the gameplay. e.g. Did you kill Metzeger or leave him to take over the Den?

Metzeger, nah i didn´t waste him.

I killed these familiies in New Reno


Not Wright
Dont bother mate, i just found a faq explaning all the endings depending of youre quest choice :)

Sad ending with the deathclaw though, vault city god i hate them, espically the bitch who leads them (will waste here, later)