GameBanshee launches Fallout Tactics Subsite


From Gamebanshee- <blockquote>Posted on Friday, June 2 at 13:27 PM GMT -6

Our new Fallout Tactics subsite is packed with everything you need to survive the wasteland, including a full walkthrough, an extensive equipment database, special encounter details, profiles for all of the game's recruits, and much more. Keep your eyes open for even more Fallout content coming soon! </blockquote>So they are a little slow. Still they've got a lot there.

Check it out here

Thanks to Briosafreak for pointing this out at RPGDot.
If you click on the History of Fallout link, you get a message saying it is no longer available. Wonder what happened there?
I'm thinking lots of new websites will be covering the previous Fallout series now if they didnt before as F3 is coming.

Kinda like when Wolfenstien ET came out, all of a sudden the gaming sites that had droped the cheat list for Wolf 3d and Spear of Destiny (Its add-on) had it back again. Nothing as good as the REAL first Wolfenstein game covered, but still its not a bad start I guess.

It can be a good thing and a bad thing. It will be a good thing for them as they cater to any gamer that is out there, bad I believe for us as the majority of us go by the old ways of Fallout and new blood in here wanting Fallout FPS (a taboo subject for a GOD DAMN good reason) will be abundant on the forums.

RL things I can usualy avoid, i.e.- the H5N1 and other things along its line I have a decent chance of avoiding, this however if (or when) done wrong will be a sad death for a good game.

As I sit here with 10 years of rations stashed, and proper clothing to protect myself from infections of this type, biological, or other atack, with 2 live natural wells... under thick layers of concrete I call a roof... I go out into the real world and have a normal life to everyone else, play pool on the weekends with friend etc. I can avoid almost anything, but this?
Wonderful news. A shame nobody cares about Fallout Tactics. Because, y'know, Fallout Tactics sucks.
In your humble opinions of course....

I found fallout tactics rather playable. Nothing spectacular but still quite Fallout-y.

Adapt and survive and all that, if i had a deathclaw willing to work for me i'd prefer them to be on my side then the other side.

I also liked the semi genocidal tone the BoS leadership took at the end. Seemed a plausable way to go.

sven said:
Adapt and survive and all that, if i had a deathclaw willing to work for me i'd prefer them to be on my side then the other side.

I also liked the semi genocidal tone the BoS leadership took at the end. Seemed a plausable way to go.


Personaly... I'de prefer neither... on my side or the other side. I'de like that Deathclaw for a nice rug infront of my fireplace :D

And Iguanna Bob to sell Deathclaw meat at really high prices as it is a rare delacy that is hard to get ahold of, and sell the remains of the people that tried to get it as his other meat like he usualy does :P

sven said:
Adapt and survive and all that, if i had a deathclaw willing to work for me i'd prefer them to be on my side then the other side.

I also liked the semi genocidal tone the BoS leadership took at the end. Seemed a plausable way to go.


The thing is, not only were the talking deathclaws from FO2 a bad idea, they were also created by the Enclave many years after the times FOT takes place in.
You're all absolutely right from a cannon point of view of course. Talking deathclaws, reavers and advanced robot armies aren't strictly fallout.

All i meant was that the game had the same kind of atmosphere as the RPG's. It was exactly what it meant to be, a combat game set in the same universe, but a different location, inspired by fallout.

Could it have been better, yes, could it have stuck to cannon, yes, was it an enjoyable distraction that gave me a much needed fallout fix, yes as it turned out.

Doesn't make me want a sequel though, so Bethesda, feel free to focus on a Fallout 3 as opposed to FT:2 :)

sven said:
It was exactly what it meant to be, a combat game set in the same universe, but a different location, inspired by fallout.

Could it have been better, yes, could it have stuck to cannon, yes,

So, was it non-cannon, or was it in the same universe? Make up your mind! ;)

sven said:
Doesn't make me want a sequel though, so Bethesda, feel free to focus on a Fallout 3 as opposed to FT:2 :)

Luckily, they're not licensed to make a Tactics game. I think.
Silencer said:
So, was it non-cannon, or was it in the same universe? Make up your mind! ;)

The two don't mean the same thing. For example, the star wars films are cannon, yet the novels aren't, they are considered in the same universe however.

sven said:
Silencer said:
So, was it non-cannon, or was it in the same universe? Make up your mind! ;)

The two don't mean the same thing. For example, the star wars films are cannon, yet the novels aren't, they are considered in the same universe however.

Nope, it's the Expanded Universe. N00b! :D
I'm well aware of that silencer, having read most of the EU novels, my point was merely that although the events and characters are not considered cannon, they are still star wars, Star wars in nature and atmosphere.

Which brings me back to fallout, although the events and characters in FT are not cannon, and lets face it, some things just don't gel with what we know as fallout ( the Reavers bugged me in particular), the game was definitely in my mind a fallout game. Not an RPG, not a sequel, not anything that could tie into Fallout RPG's, but, as i said earlier a combat game inspired by fallout and obeying the same basic rules as the Fallout universe.

P.S Who you calling noob, i've been lurking on these forums for years.

sven said:
P.S Who you calling noob, i've been lurking on these forums for years.


First and foremost, I was refering to Star Wars, not Fallout, and I can't tell whether you're a SW geek or not.

Furthermore, observe the smiley and take some humour ;)
Silencer said:
First and foremost, I was refering to Star Wars, not Fallout, and I can't tell whether you're a SW geek or not.

Furthermore, observe the smiley and take some humour ;)

1)Point taken

2)Ditto, I just tend not to use smileys, spose i should.... here goes :oops:

I'll get the hang of this new fangled technology sooner or later...
