Gamebanshee have conducted an interview with Carsten Strehse about The Fall, here's a small quote:<blockquote>GB: How is development coming along on The Fall, and what aspects of the game are you currently working on? Are you still on track for a third quarter release date?
Carsten: Right now the The Fall is about 90% done. We're adding a few additional ideas and quests here and there, but mostly it's about testing and balancing the game. And yes, Q3 is still what we're aiming for. </blockquote>Right, well there's more where that question came from, thanks goes out to sergey for informing us..
Link: Gamebanshee The Fall interview
Carsten: Right now the The Fall is about 90% done. We're adding a few additional ideas and quests here and there, but mostly it's about testing and balancing the game. And yes, Q3 is still what we're aiming for. </blockquote>Right, well there's more where that question came from, thanks goes out to sergey for informing us..
Link: Gamebanshee The Fall interview