Games Domain looks at Fbos


Carbon Dated and Proud
Games Domain have looked at Fbos on E3 and they found that this game can be a good game, according to this reviewer the dialog in the game will make or break it. Funny, I always thought graphics, story and gameplay did that. Guess it's only me:<blockquote>Ultimately, the dialogue is going to make or break this game. The Fallout series is known for its creative writing and witty banter. If the developers can recreate that magic with Brotherhood of Steel, the game is sure to garner a few old fans as well as some new ones.</blockquote>They also posted 8 new screenshots of the game, even one with the character selection screen and on of the inventory screen. Well judge for yourself, I say these look really bad and if it's the dialog that's going to make or break this game I have to revise how I look upon games from now on.
Link: Fbos @ Games Domain
Odin said:
Ultimately, the dialogue is going to make or break this game. The Fallout series is known for its creative writing and witty banter. If the developers can recreate that magic with Brotherhood of Steel, the game is sure to garner a few old fans as well as some new ones.

According to Chuck, the game is going to have a whooping grand total of 15 chracters with dialogue distributed on 60 or so maps. This includes stuff like "Arr! Die evil raider!"-"I'll be wearing your scrotum as a hat!"-COMBAT!

I don't think the reviewer is going to like it. :)
If Wishes Were Horses........

If Wishes Were Horses........

Pardon my arrogance...........

I am conjecturing, that the reviewer is "projecting" their hopes and expectations on ANY title that contains FO.
Did the risk takers at Interplay understand the double edged nature of associations to FO?
Here the expectations are taking this console title to levels of narrative it may have troubles negotiating.

The reviewer is performing a professional courtesy. IMHO.

While indulging in Wishful thinking, positive spin, kind and generous suggestions. IMHO.

The focus of FO:BOS has been for the console market, FIRST AND
FOReMOST. The only creative writing seen so far are the unnecessary,
and convoluted inventions of theme and plot cast out to misdirect some and bait others; IMHO.


Convoluted to fit THEIR private projections of what FO fragments will
string their multitudinous levels of shootin' gallory 'n' gauntlet maze.

If the story tree and TANTS can justify the FO in the title to those
that wish to crawel and bug hunt through a BG:DA Dungeon,
then the I'play writers will have stayed true to the narrow focus of this design.

If it's a successful console release and conforms to the expectations of that market, a good game, then the 'kind and generous suggestions'
of the reviewer will be justified.

I have less invested in being right about my expectations, than
I'play does about their market "projections" (mirage) and title leverage stategies.
I consider the best story maybe the conversion of the BG:DA engine to a shooter, than the constriction of the FO Saga to TANTS and transistion cut scenes between the body counts.

G....Great Holy Jumpin' Puzzles! I think the best 'fig leaf' would be a BOWLING mini game under the giant Pip Boy sign. Bowling for bottlecaps would really dress up this FO:BOS!


If you really think that graphics are more important then dialog, especially in a Fallout game, then yeah IMO you definitely need to revise the way you look at games (especially fallout games). Dialog is infinitely more important to a Fallout game then visual splender.

Not that I'm defending BOS, IMO the game will probably be crap and I'm not looking forward to it one bit.
Please don`t twist what he said:
I always thought graphics, story and gameplay
not just graphics, although they are of great relevance on the new generation consoles.
And remember what DJ Slamák wrote:
According to Chuck, the game is going to have a whooping grand total of 15 chracters with dialogue distributed on 60 or so maps. This includes stuff like "Arr! Die evil raider!"-"I'll be wearing your scrotum as a hat!"-COMBAT!

Have you heard the "dialogues" on the FOBOS teaser? Just pathetic...

Are you talking to me? If so then where have I twisted anything he said? He said that in his opinion graphics, story and gameplay make or break a game, not dialog. Surely (and I'd have thought any Fallout fan would agree with me here) its dialog, story and gameplay (not neccesarily in that order) that make or break a Fallout game, graphics barely come into it.

Also, I didn't say that BOS will have great dialog. As I already said in my last post I am not defending BOS. I hope its good and brings back memorys of Fallout 1 and 2. But I very much doubt it will. I merely said that for a Fallout game great dialog is so much more important then great graphics.
What Odin is pointing out is that dialogue only can`t save a game, in Fallout graphics, story and gameplay made the game shine. When we`re talking about graphics we`re not talking about "cool particle effects" shit, but on the wonderfull art made by the Boyarsky team. On a ps2 and x-box game you need great graphics, with an "wow" factor to them, thing that the reviewer didn`t say because he couldn`t. He didn`t found out about a good story too, so he had to resort to dialogue beeing central, wich is ironic since FOBOS is an action bloodbath fest with shitty and scarce dialog as Slamák pointed out...

As I already said in my last post I am not defending BOS. I merely said that for a Fallout game great dialog comes many many rungs higher then great graphics on the most needed list.

Yeah, the three of us agree on that, so welcome.
in Fallout graphics, story and gameplay made the game shine

Dialog, story, gameplay and graphics. IMO all four of them made the Fallout games shine.

wich is ironic since FOBOS is an action bloodbath fest with shitty and scarce dialog as Slamák pointed out.

I haven't been keeping up with the development of BOS. Its sad to hear that the game is as crap and shallow as I thought it might be when I first heard about it.
Hey,'s Resident Evil meets David Bowie with Breasts meets Token Black Guy with Tattoos.


The rest of the screenshits speak for themselves.

You may be required to choose between performing a certain task or finding a particular item.

Whee...involving. :roll: Just like every other platform game and token side quests.

Congratulations again to "Team What the Fuck, Chuck?" for yet another astounding example of poor design.

Also, good for GamesDomain for testing out their eyeglass prescriptions again. "detailed character models" - hilarious!
Return To The Cave

When we bring our personal expectations of FO to the table, FO:BOS is the shadow of a shadow of a shadow.

Making the hand gestures,
whether willfully artisic or obscenely unit digital,

between the indirect infinite light source of a FO sunscape,
and whatever projection surface resides in our dead-head philospher's cranial cave,

might only cast a pale "bunny" sihlouette, for the profile of a console deathclaw.

Let the pundits debate wherther or not it's waxed or hairy.
